William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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WOW...Both of those pictures made my heart stop...and *looks down at shirt* I think I slobbed a bit!
THANKS for making my night, DW, Oh great Ruler of Pixels ;) And I highly doubt there IS anything negative about Billy- I'm sure with all the positive stuff about him, sites would print the negative, but, he DID thank his agent (I think it was his agent) for keeping him out of the tabloids...I'm sure that's definitley attributed to the lack of 'drama' (you know, when celebs get harrassed by paparazzi and lash out, and then of course, drama ensues) in his life, which will decrease his stress, and therefore decrease heart attack risk, and therefore he will LIVE LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok....I'll stop....
It's been quite a while since I've posted any pics on the board, so here's hoping that I actually remember how to do it correctly...lol

Some hot glasses pics...

Pic One

Pic Two

Pic Three

Pic Four

Pic Five

And more recently:

Pic Six

OK, I HAVE forgotten how to embed the words so that they are the link to the picture. :wtf: LOL!!!
Des, can you help?...I'm so bad at this..
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There's an insert link icon on here you could do ;p

Thanks in advance for sharing though- I LOVE glasses pix :) I think if you did the "insert image" it would work too. I always know how to do it until someone asks..then I forget too!
Good luck :)
Nice try gilsgal but you need to put on the last url like this name BILLY [/url] or it doesn't show up:( sorry, we'd have to put the whole thing you posted in to see the pic. so everything is good except that:confused:
Wait....how do you do it? I have never understood how youguys named the URLs you posted...do you just post the link and then before the last "url" name it? I guess while questions are being thrown out, I thought I'd join in too ;p

Like, instead of posting a long, random link to a pic, how do you name it and make it shorter so you're not clicking some long link? Ya'll get what I mean?
There are instructions in the second post of the Help Guide .. But here is the linking just remove the spaces, (between the Bracket and the letter U, and the Bracket and the slash) on this one.

URL Linkable Code by hand [ url=AddyOfPicHere]Name Of Pic Here[ /url]
Or Click
then follow the code to where you put in the name (it will show the addy again) erase the second addy and put in the name.

How To Link Thumbnail pic to bigger pic, (Just remove the spaces)
[ url=BigPicAddyHere]
[ /url]

To make sure it is working correctly we suggest that you always use the "Preview" button before submitting. ;)
I used to know how to do this...but the mind forgets. Thanks for the refresher course Destiny. :thumbsup:

Just testing:


WooHoo!!! Did it...lol.
Yes small things do amuse me and make me VERY happy :lol:
Thank's again to Destiny I knew she'd be able to to this, gilsgal I tried relentlessly, to help you, and all that came up was nothing, so I'm glad that you were able to post it.. and yummy pic. "Jackpot" it came out #1 in our poll on here, for S/4, pure Grissom, in all his glory



I LOVE those pictures of him! I LOOOVE that black hat- makes him look all sexy/sporty ;p
I just bought tickets for "Blackbird" in July! I cannot believe I did....I really hope I can make it-hahaha.
Thanks for the pictures, DW!
Thanks, once again, for the adorable pictures, DW!! I will email you regarding the Blackbird tickets...I don't want to get into trouble posting off topic in here ;p
Thanks to everyone who contribute adorable Billy/Grissom pics for my daily pick ups- ya'll keep me goin'!

PS- I'm gonna try this URL posting thing...we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!


Billy's Feet

~*Courtesy WPAP~*

*jumps up and down* YAY I DID IT!!!!
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:lol: Yes you did do it, good job... and just what I always wanted to see, his feet:confused: and they're very big at that, that's one for the files:eek:



He was so cute and so animated and candid in this interview, he talks about CSI, his movie and his fav. "Long Gone" [1987] he got to play baseball and he loves this game so he was in all his glory. He also talked about "To Live and Die In L.A." and they showed clips from these as well as some from CSI, wow 5 years ago, luckily I taped it:adore:
You're telling me you DON'T love seeing his feet?! Maybe I have a freakish foot fettish...I don't know...I just thought it was totally random and hey, it shows off his hot choice of footwear ;)
I figure if someone else took a picture of his feet, it must legit ;)
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