William/Grissom: Pass the Drool Bucket! Pic thread #11

Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Wow!!! :drool: I LOVE the pictures in here. All so amazing!

Thanks for sharing the pics everyone :bolian:
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Sorry, Rocky, I'm going to need more than a bucket and a damp cloth if he looks this good for much longer! GROAN!!!!
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

:drool: And more pictures from Paris with Billy and Gina :drool:

Is this what you need britfan
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Rocky, you're killing me (in a very good way) with these pics!! :drool:
He looks like he's enjoying his time in Paris...but not being recognised. Poor Billy....lol.
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

:eek: Its 22.03 in the Netherlands,I hope I can sleep tonight with all those pictures :drool:

credits:Veji on ytdaw
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Heaven sent me back. I told them I have unfinished business, I told them I haven't saved the Billy photos yet and haven't posted in return. I told them I haven't thanked the person who killed me.
So they let me. :lol:

Thanks for the awesomeness, i take it my belated birthday treat... wohoo...:thumbsup:


Merry Christmas to all.

*Rocky, 2341H my time.* GudEve! ;)
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Oh lordy, Rocky!! Drooooooooooooool!!!! They are gorgeous gorgeous pics! Where are you finding all this Billy goodness??

Love the scarf! When we met him his shirt was unbuttoned down his chest and he was toasty warm... he looks frozen solid on these!
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

WOW, I'm off one day, and come back to these delicious photos. Once again Rocky you outdid yourself, atonishing:eek: he look's so distinguished and different once again, The man of many different look's, and hair color:p Thank's bunches.
So, he's not on CSI, but in Paris talking about CSI, a bit strange isn't it? So I wonder if he does come back to Vegas [in a guest spot] to join his wife and his cast mates, will he have this 'white hair'? One never knows with him~

One from his last episode, where he's still got the dark curly locks~

Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Hah! I need a dose of Billy pill *cough* to make me sleep. :)lol: he became my sleeping lullabye). ;)

Don't tell me THEY are all looking at Billy's behind? :lol:

It seems like it...

And he is looking at someone else's...
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

:eek: I wanna see his behind to x3nity :lol:

:drool: This one is for you all Billy fans :drool:
made by myself