William/Grissom: Pass the Drool Bucket! Pic thread #11

Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

I have to say that the hair is growing on me (the lessened distraction of the thicker curls gets me focusing on his face) and I'm loving the beard!! Thanks for the gorgeous pictures, ladies :)
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Goodmorning ladies,here some young Billy`s :drool:
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

X3nity I`m a Billy/Margfan,and love the pics.Marg says to Billy,bite me
gilsgal great random pics des more old pics you can find here
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

^ Aawww!.... cheesecurls...
Thanks all.

Phrase for the day
Rocky: 'bite me'
gilsgal: 'just because he's delicious'

me: (just no words...)

It's all in one, behind the scene.

Have fun everyone!
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Nice caps gals, the Warrick and Grissom one, they were so close, what a shame:(and the Hawaiian shirt, geez he's worn that everywhere:lol:

Some caps from the past:p

IGUANA 1996 that outfit:rolleyes:



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Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

:thumbsup:Love the all in one pics x3nity and Des I love those old pics no matter what he looks like :drool:
is that good Englisch :lol: who cares,you know what I`m talking about :lol:
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

:thumbsup: Thanks for the pics girls,I was surfin on the web and I found 2 pics I never saw :drool:
Re: William/Grissom Pic thread #11

Hey everyone! Sorry for my absence, been busy...my university exams have started :eek:

Thanks for all the pics :bolian:. All of them are lovely, and there were a few that I haven't seen before :D So that was a bonus! :lol: