William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

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Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

I need some lessons in ettiquette on this page now I am a picture poster! Yay to me! Is that six per session or each single post? I don't want to get done off Destiny the first day I can do this!

While we think of a new title for the fifth thread, how about thinking this over?


Mmmm, now I've thought of one - lame but cute - Big Billy's Bigger Picture... :lol:
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

my favorite blond! (besides Catherine)
nice pic GGgirl1 :D
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

Mmmmmmm, I love it when he winks! Grissom's playful side peeking out once in a while... :D
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

And butterflies in my stomach... :D

And as for a title, what do you think of this one: WP/GG: TUXIC Shock Pictures #5
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