William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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and i cannot wait until caps from the upcoming eps ;) i'm terribly excited and also sad cuz the season's almost over.
I can't believe it's gone so fast. What am I going to do over the hols with no G. :eek:

Howsabout my little hottest pics of each episode list(HPOEL) :lol: Got to find a better name. :lol:

It's season 5 now. :D

1. Viva Las Vegas
2. Down the Drain Only G could make them specs zexy. :lol: Me...I look like an idiot. :(
3. Harvest
4. Crows Feet
5. Swap Meet
6. What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?
A different one from What's eating GG, I couldn't choose, plus the fact that 80% of the other photos are with specs on :lol:

Voila. :D
Hey, Destiny I know you'll select something that befits this extrodinary actor ;) I'm real burnt-out on 'HOTTNESS' it needs a rest.. he's so much more than that! ;) and I watched 'SWAP MEET' a couple of nights ago.. some comedic scenes in this one too, him and Greg :D their expressions are priceless.. and big welcome back to our buddy grissoms_gurl moving YUCK :(



egg those are great. You had a sunglasses theme going for a while. GOSH he's hot in shades :cool:

desertwind I LOVED Swap Meet so funny, my husband and I giggled through the whole thing :lol:
Here's a couple of random pics. of him.. on the other WP thread about him going 'fishing' ;) he loves the water ;)3 liitle pictures.. is this OK Destiny? thank's TallyHo I adjusted these ;)

i think this is one of the sweetest pics of him ... like. ever.

i mean, you look at this pic, and the ONLY reaction possible is ... awwww.
desertwind said:
Here's a couple of random pics. of him.. on the other WP thread about him going 'fishing' ;) he loves the water ;)3 liitle pictures.. is this OK Destiny?

As stated in the Help Guide, as far as posting of images is concerned it is 1 Large pic 400x400,or 2 Medium pics 130x130, or 3 Small pics 115x115. Anything larger then the max size should be put into links.

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egg those are great. You had a sunglasses theme going for a while. GOSH he's hot in shades
I know! :lol: I think it's because the lighting is better outside. It's quite gloomy in the lab during season 5 if you notice. So whilst outside, especially in Vegas, not so much England lol, you wear shades. ;)
I love his shades too. They are soooo zexy, perfect size for his face shape. I can't wear sunglasses, I just look strange. :(
desertwind I LOVED Swap Meet so funny, my husband and I giggled through the whole thing
:eek: Private joke hhunter? ;)

He looks great in pretty much any type of clothing doesn't he?
Cowboy hat
Cigar accessory and sweat :lol:
Does he even need clothes?

egg yes, he does look MY-T-FINE in the pictures

and no it's not an inside joke, I just thought most of Swap Meet was funny :lol: especially the **achem** things he pulled out of the dishwasher... **achem**
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