CSI Files
<I>CSI: Miami</I> star <font color=yellow>Adam Rodriguez</font> (Eric Delko) may not return for season eight in a full-time capacity.<p>Delko and Calleigh Duquesne (<font color=yellow>Emily Procter</font>) began a romantic relationship during the seventh season of <I>Miami</I>. "I think my romance is in jeopardy," Procter told <A class="link" HREF="http://www.eonline.com/">E! Online</a> when asked where the relationship was heading during the upcoming season. "I think we were in some poor contract negotiations."<p>A source was asked whether Rodriguez would return. "He'll be back for a limited engagement," the source said, "but we're not exactly sure in what form Delko will appear." CBS has not made an official statement.<p>"It's going to be an interesting year," Procter said of season eight. "There are a lot of people back. A lot of people who are back and maybe not permanently. And we're all looking younger." The comment about looking younger refers to the <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/news/170709_02.shtml">flashback</a> that will happen in the season premiere. When filming the flashback, Procter said, "I spent a lot of time going like this, 'Do I look younger in this scene if I clap?' and 'Whee! We solved it! Do I look really young?' In terms of a season opener, this is my favorite. There's some drama."<p>The original information is from <A class="link" HREF="http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_with_kristin/b137832_csi_miami_bombshell_emily_procter_talks.html">Watch With Kristin</a>.<center></center>