"Why is it happening to me?" - D/L FanFic


Lab Technician
Hello everybody! :)
I've started a new fic. Please enjoy and I hope I get some review from you ;)

This weather was unbearable. Since three o’clock, Danny lay down on his bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling. Although it was night, Danny had the feeling like he was in a sauna. And as if that wasn’t enough, he couldn’t think of anything else then Montana. His thoughts shot back to the first time he saw her.

All over the floor Danny could see pieces of a human body. As he entered the tiger’s cage, he was a little shocked. The tiger had torn the human body into his pieces which now lay on the cage’s floor.
Danny talked to Mac briefly and than took the photos they needed for evidence. Suddenly a woman walked towards him. She had blond hair and beautiful dark eyes. From the first moment on he liked her, but he decided not to show this right on from the beginning.
Danny wanted to have a little fun. So he gave this new investigator Lindsay Monroe some advices which were as useful as bean. And something other came to his mind. Because of her origin Montana Danny used to call her “Montana”. Lindsay wasn’t pleased about that at first…

That was about three months ago and Lindsay got used to her new nickname. Yes, she even started to like it. At first Danny thought of her sometimes, but now he couldn’t think of anything else. Every time he thinks of Montana, he has a special picture in his head; Montana walking towards him on the day they had met the first time.

Now Danny got up and opened the window. He saw the sunrise and the sky was of a beautiful colour. He couldn’t tell how long he stood there, but Danny had made a decision…

End of "part 1"
Thanks for your review you two.
I have the second part ready.

Danny Messer walked over to Mac who was standing with Stella in front of Mac’s office. Danny still had the head full of thoughts, but he knew what he had to do now. Danny tried to concentrate on what he was going to do when he was alone with Mac.

“Morning, Danny. You look like a truck had overrun you”, Stella said.
“Thanks. But, yes, you’re right. I feel so. I hadn’t much sleep last night”, Danny said to Stella.
“Mac, I need to talk to you… alone if possible.”
“What’s up, Danny? Is it something serious?” Mac asked.
“I’ll talk to you when you’ve finished your work here. But I can say, that’s not something terrible.” Danny answered.
“Okay, I come to your office when I’m ready.”
Danny left Mac and Stella alone. He saw Stella’s facial expression and knew that she was really worried. Danny would have liked to explain her everything but it was to complicated and even he didn’t know everything.

Danny went to his office and set down at his desk. He lay back in the chair and felt into trance. Suddenly Danny heard the door and was thinking Mac had finished his tasks now. Instead of him Lindsay entered the room. Danny’s heart sank down. He couldn’t talk to her now.

“Hey, Danny! Everything alright?” Lindsay asked cheerful.
“Please, Lindsay. I need to be alone for a moment and Mac’s coming every minute to talk to me. Don’t take it wrong, please.” Danny tried to sound as friendly as possible.
“I understand. I’ll go and leave you alone.” Lindsay said and left the room. She was confused. What happened to Danny? He didn’t even use her nickname which was very untypical for him. Lindsay didn’t know what to think.
You want more? You get more!

Danny watched Lindsay walking down the floor. He had not wanted to hurt her. It made him sad to see that Lindsay was hurt by his behaviour. He’d like to follow her and apologize for his behaviour, but Danny had no time to think of that. Mac had entered the room.

“Hey, Mac. Thanks for coming here so fast. It’s important that I talk to you.”
“I’d lie, if I’d say that I’m not worried. I’ve asked myself what it might be, but I have no idea. I’m really worried, Danny.” Mac said.
“It’s not that bad you may think, Mac. I just want to ask you, if it’s possible that I can get some free time. I would not ask you, if it’s not important.”
“Free time? You know what’s going on here at the moment. This heat seems to have an unbelievable effect on the people.” Mac explained.
“Mac, I know. And you know that I’m not the person who leaves at this moments but I can’t concentrate on work. My head is full of thoughts and I don’t want to do any mistakes. I don’t want to disappoint you.” Danny answered.
“I understand. But I need an explanation for what you want. Without I can’t do anything.”
“Alright. It’s because of Montana. She’s making me crazy. I can’t stop thinking of her. Every time she’s next to me. For example in the lab. If she’s there I can’t concentrate on the evidence… I know you don’t accept relationships in your team because you think that distract us from our work. But please, try to understand my position.” Danny explained.

Mac sat there being silent, but his mind was working. Then he talked again.
“That’s not easy. Believe it or not, but I can understand you. I really do. After Claire died, it was hard for me to concentrate on what I have to do. I tried to be strong, worked the whole day and didn’t sleep. That was my way to get over that.”
“You had never talked about that. I didn’t know that.”
“Because I didn’t want to. But back to your problem… I think you should go camping or something like that. Get rid of useless thoughts and make yourself clear what feelings you have for Lindsay. I give you 7 days off. Then I want you back here with a clear head, right?”
“Thank you, Mac. How can I give that back to you?” Danny was happy.
“Just be concentrated when you’re back, okay?”
“Okay and thanks again.”
With that the conversation was finished. Mac stood up and left the room.
Danny was happy. He had a week off. Danny decided to go back home and pack some things.
He already knew where he would go…
awww poor Danny....oooo the suspense! btw I love your avvie and banner...god that stare is amazing. Looking forward to the next installment :D
And here it come. It's a bit longer this time because I don't know if I'll be able to write a next part in the next 2 weeks. Enjoy this part :)
Back home Danny packed some things and decided to let Montana know that he won’t be in the lab for the next week. He sat down on his sofa and started to write a letter.

Dear Montana,
I’m sorry that I hurt in my office. I didn’t want to and it made me sad to see what effect my words had on you. Please forgive me…
I won’t be in the lab the next seven days. I’m going down to Miami, just to relax and get my head clear again. There’re so many things I have to think of, that I can’t concentrate on my work at the moment. It’s too complicated to explain all that here in this letter, but I promise, I’ll talk to you about the whole thing when I’m back in New York.
Don’t worry. I’m okay. I just need some days off.
He closed the envelope and stuck a stamp on it. He wrote Lindsay’s address on it and left his apartment with the envelope and his travelling bag. After taking the letter into a post box, Danny took a taxi to Newark Airport. There he bought a last-minuet ticket to Miami.

After two hours Danny landed on Miami International Airport. With his cell phone he called his friend Ryan Wolfe, who was a police officer here in Miami.

“Ryan? It’s me Danny.”
“Danny? What are you doing here in Miami?” Ryan asked.
“I need some free time. Mac gave me 7 days off and I decided to go down here to see you.”
“Mac let you go whether there’s so much work? Didn’t think that could happen. Where are you now?”
“Okay. Stay where you are. I’m just ten minutes away from you.”
“Great. See you.”

Danny was tired. Last night he had just slept three hours and he wasn’t able to sleep at the plane. He sat down on his bag to get some rest. He noticed that it wasn’t as hot as in New York. That wasn’t usual but Danny didn’t care. He didn’t know why, but not he remembered at the first time Danny and Lindsay had argued.

It was the “Darius-case”. After he had killed tourists in Miami, he came to New York. There he murdered some teenager and left the house like it was a slaughter’s house.
Mac sent Lindsay in the lab and she wasn’t please about that. In the lab, Danny used her nickname like he always did. This time Lindsay became really angry.
“Stop this, Danny! You just do this because I’m new! I hate it!!” Lindsay shouted.
“You’re angry because Mac sent you to the lab. He just wanted to protect you. You’ve seen the scene. It was like a slaughterhouse in there.”
“That’s bullshit. I could have made it. You think I haven’t seen so much blood before, don’t you?” She was really angry, not only because of her nickname.
“I don’t know. Have you?” Danny tried to sound calm.
“Yes and it was worse than that.” Now Lindsay didn’t sound as angry as she was before. She had calmed down.
“I’m sorry, Lindsay. Talk with Mac about that. He should know.”
“Perhaps I will. Let’s go back to the case.”
That was all. Not something really bad, but Danny couldn’t see her being so angry. I liked her more when she was smiling.

Danny was looking around. Ryan was driving his car around a corner and came towards him.
Thank you all a lot! It makes my really happy to see that you like my story.
I'm sorry that I have´n't much time at the moment. I am not able to write more yet. But I promise it'll go on soon :)
After a long long time... The next part comes!!!

“Hey, Danny! Nice to see you.” Ryan gave Danny a big hug. They had not seen each other for a long time. The last time Ryan had visited Danny in New York. That was about 5 month ago.
“Thank you so much for coming, Ryan.”
“Get in my friend. So what’s the reason for this surprising visit?” Ryan said
“Oh, that’s a long story. I’d like to take a shower and to eat something first.”
“All right. Let’s go home”
They were driving for about 45 minutes to Ryan’s apartment near the beach.
During Danny was taking a shower, Ryan was cooking chicken and rice. Danny came into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
“This smells fantastic. Didn’t know you’re that good in cooking.”
“Thanks, my mother thought me just some handles.” Ryan replied.
“Can’t wait to try this.”

They sat there eating chicken and rice. Later, Danny started to tell his story. As he finished Ryan was impressed.
“She really makes you crazy, doesn’t she?” Ryan asked.
“You can’t imagine how much. I couldn’t even concentrate on work when she wasn’t around. I can’t stop thinking of her.”
“Oh boy, that sounds pretty serious.”
“Yes, I really feel for her. It’s not something just for one or two nights. I love her. I really do.”
“Then it’s an easy thing. Talk to her.”
“I can’t.”
“Why? You talk like you found the woman to spend the rest of your life with. You have to talk to her.” Ryan explained.
“I know. But it’s not that easy. I’m not good at that. I don’t even know how she feels.”
“Then find it out.”
“I think I have to. But the next six days, I’ll just relax and try not to think of Lindsay so much.”
“That’s the right decision. When ever you want to talk again about the whole thing, I’m there for you.” Ryan said.
“Thank you. You’re really a good friend.” Danny replied.
“I have to sleep now. I’ve be in the lab early next morning. I take the couch so you can have my bed.” Ryan went into the bathroom, just with his boxers on and lay down on the couch. Danny went to bed and it was the first time he didn’t lay there staring at the ceiling. After only five minutes he felt asleep.
Time for the next part :)

“Danny, your cell phone rings! It’s Mac Taylor!”
Danny got up slowly and took his phone, which Ryan held in his hand.
“Hey, Mac. What’s up?” Danny asked.
“Danny, I need you back here in New York. We have a cop-killer, who had already murdered two cops.”
“What? But you have Stella, Hawkes and Montana up there. Isn’t that enough?”
“No, it isn’t. Stella lays in her bad with a bad flu and Hawkes has another difficult case. I only have Lindsay. I need you Danny.”
“Yes. When?”
“Yet, get the next plain. We think he will strike again. We have to prevent that.”
“All right. I’ll pack my things and come back. I call you the minute I set my feet on the ground.” Danny said.
“Thanks Danny. By the way, Lindsay was worried about you. She got your letter and didn’t know what to think of that. Talk to her.”
“You’re the second one who told me that. I think, I’ll talk to her when I’m back. Thank you Mac.” With those words Danny hung up.

“This was a short visit, Danny. I hope we can meet again as soon as possible.”
The two of them stood in the airport’s hall. Danny had got a last minute ticket to New York.
“I hope so too. Next time in New York and I’ll cook a dinner for you, okay?”
“Accepted. I let you know when Horatio gives me some holidays.”
“Great. I have to go on board. Thank you for all you’ve done.”
“Good flight and let me know what happened to you and Lindsay, okay?”
“I will. Bye.”
Danny got on board and was thinking about the words Mac had said to him on the phone.
Lindsay had worried about him? Why? Hadn’t he written that there was no reason to be worried? What did it all mean? Has she feelings for him and was that the reason? Danny couldn’t tell. After half an hour he felt asleep.