Who Said It & Which Episode? Think you know? Let's find out!

^2. like in that eppy when he went freak-out on Adam about sending the results to someone else before him? That was good, although I totally thought they should've played on Adam's emotion a bit more. He's always really vulnerable and afraid of people in authority anyway, but to have Mac storm in and scream at you over something you couldn't control would be enough to send any1 over the edge. I think it was one of the taxicab killer eppies? maybe the one with the high school rapist orsomething? i didn't really watch that one all the way through. any1 know?
That was a season 3 episode
i thought it was around the cabbie killer eps too - because it came up at the tribunal thing, when stella was asked if being accused had affected mac emotionally, she recalled the scene where mac yelled at adam. i don't think it was in the high school dance ep (admissions), because i think adam was busy with his photosynth during that, but it must have been not long before cold reveal... i might be confused tho ;)
i thought it was around the cabbie killer eps too - because it came up at the tribunal thing, when stella was asked if being accused had affected mac emotionally, she recalled the scene where mac yelled at adam. i don't think it was in the high school dance ep (admissions), because i think adam was busy with his photosynth during that, but it must have been not long before cold reveal... i might be confused tho ;)
You're right. I looked it up and it was Past Imperfect. Thanks for sending me in the right direction, lisasimpson and Noel_687.
^ it wasn't easy, i could picture the exact scene where he said it in my head (because i really liked the way he said it - random) but i couldn't picture it enough to remember who he said it to! it took me a while to sort through the rubbish in my brain and work it out :)

i have to go out but i'll try to think of another to post when i get in...

i thought it was around the cabbie killer eps too - because it came up at the tribunal thing, when stella was asked if being accused had affected mac emotionally, she recalled the scene where mac yelled at adam. i don't think it was in the high school dance ep (admissions), because i think adam was busy with his photosynth during that, but it must have been not long before cold reveal... i might be confused tho ;)
You're right. I looked it up and it was Past Imperfect. Thanks for sending me in the right direction, lisasimpson and Noel_687.

i was only half right! it wasn't around the cabbie killer, it was around the clay dobson thing - that was where there was a tribunal (god knows why i thought the cabbie killer was involved, i've clearly been watching the episodes in a jumble again). but yes, it was that he yelled at adam for giving gerrard the information about the other suspect first, and then stella had to remember it in the tribunal thing.