Who Said It? #2

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*jumps in on all the fun for a moment*

DragonflyDreamer said
Guys, a reminder about the rules: Can we Please keep the chatting down in here? It makes the game hard to follow.

Exactly. Also, this was posted by ThumpyG42 in the 'Name the Episode' thread:

ThumpyG42 said
Guys...last warning. Keep the posts game related or both game threads will be locked. It's entirely too chatty/spammy in here. If you're not allowed to participate for 24 hours, then there's no need to be posting about it, nor should we be discussing fan art or posting non-game related quotes.

If you haven't followed that thread, you now have it here as well. Please keep this in mind or the threads will be locked. Thank you.

Carry on. ;) *jumps out*
Mayte, your icon is just TOO adorable. :lol:

Erm, i have a feeling that it is Wolfe. Because Speed would be aware that if he said 'Who would do that?' he would get Horatio jumping in the scene saying "Our guy." So i would say Wolfe. :lol: But since he's been guessed, i'll just say Franky.
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