Who Said It? #2

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Calleigh... Sounds like a Calleigh line.. Not that I'd know... i don't retain information well... Crud I am so goin to get grounded but I don't wanna get off
Well, now this time i will really go and I will check the answer tomorrow (Cause I am really curious)
New Rules:

1. This one is very important--If you correctly guess a quote you will not be eligible to guess again for a period of 24 hours. You may, of course, still post a quote to start the next round and confirm/deny the correctness of any guesses, but you cannot participate in any following rounds for one day. This rule has been put in place in order to open the game up to as many members as possible and will be closely monitored.

i know i'm not a mod but i thought i'd just post the rule again. just try to remember that one :)
I can't play, but I actually think Mayte is right..But I really don't know and 'sides, Imma not Heather, so we will just wait and see what she says. :D

Guys...please check the rules posted on the first page again:

2. The only person who should be confirming that a guess is correct is the person who posted the quote to begin with. Even if you know that someone’s guess is correct, if you are not the person who posted the quote there’s no need for you to confirm it for them.

I hate to have to be such a stickler about this, but we've had major problems in the past with the game threads getting too spammy and also becoming hard to follow with so many extraneous posts. These rules were set up as a last ditch effot to allow our members to continue to enjoy participating in the game threads, please try to follow them.

Please wait for Happilyhappy to confirm the correctness of any guesses. :) Thanks.
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