Who Said It? #2

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I'm sorry we had to institute the 24 hour rule guys, but it was either that or lock the game threads altogether. ;)

For anyone who'd like a refresher, the rules are posted in the very first post of the thread.

The game will continue when that_girl1 returns to post a quote. :)
okay this thread has been dead for over 36hrs so i'll post a new quote.

x: You're right, I don't believe you.
^^ I don't actually think you have to say the episode here, the game is about to guess who said the quote.
I know the answer, but as you said you just don't know the episode, you also know the answer, and as you posted first, I'll let you go ;)
as you are allowed to guess more than once you should just try it ;) you may be right :)
right, an episode isn't absolutely necessary!
sorry that i stole your turn that_girl1 but i didn't want this thread to die so i just posted a new quote...hope that's okay with you. i'm sure you'll get another chance soon :)
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