who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) quates?

Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

oh the "hummingbird on six cups of coffee" scene was priceless!!!!!!
Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

inthewind said:
2.) Why isn't Rex Linn on the list; he's a master at the one liners? :)

Exactly! He has like the best lines in the show "Do I have idiot tattooed over my bald head?"

:lol: :lol:

As four favourite character - I still went with H even I was so close to pick Calleigh. H starts to bore me even, even it's my lovely lovely DC who plays him but STILL. Ok fine, Frank will take H's spot in next poll like this :p

Eric has never been my fave - I guess he is my least fave.
Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

H n there´s H, rules on one liners.

"it´s as cold as ice" (think it´s how it goes) n "we never close". :D
Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

my fav. character is Ryan Wolfe and my fav. quote was the one from speed in S6..."Just Because You Can't See Something, Doesn't Mean It's Not There." I love that quote.
Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

I voted for Horatio (character and quotes) but for the quotes it would have been a difficult one if Frank Tripp had been on the list because some of his quotes have me rolling. "Are you stuck on stupid?" and "Your other left hand stupid" - chuckle.

But anyway, Horatio quotes: The best and worst Horatio quote for me was one that makes me cringe and laugh at the same time.

It was at the beginning of "Forced Entry"(S1) where a dead naked man was found tied to a bed. Bernstein told Horatio that his people had done a preliminary and couldn't find any sign of a forced entry, and Horatio's reply while looking at the body was: "Aaaaah, I wouldn't be too sure about that"

It's a really weird feeling laughing and cringing at the same time, honest - chuckle - and it still does that to me.

But then there are the classics, such as the "We never close" "They never listen" and "Drive by, Miami style"

Horatio as a character: (discounting the end of this week's episode) In the context of CSI Miami he's quite simply an old style hero, but I do like the fact that he has his flaws. Such as, for instance, knowingly lying to others to protect them, which really should at some point come back to bite him hard on the arse - chuckle. He kills people, justified or not, to me that's a huge flaw.

But his good points are that Horatio cares deeply for most things - Justice, fairness, freedom, the victims, the relatives, his friends and colleagues, his family and so on. In other words, he cares deeply for others and their rights and so on.

Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua

Hello, and my favorite character is: Ryan wolfe, calleigh , alexx, Samantha Barrish, Eric