Who is world's favorite CSI character?

If you were a regular character, which role would you choose?

  • CSI

    Votes: 60 70.6%
  • Detective

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Lab tech

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Coroner

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Other (tell us which role you'd choose!)

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters
I have never understood how anyone could like Sara, at first she was ok but she has alway had the atatude that it's all about her, when Grissom did'nt do what she though should be done about Warrick she got pissed, look what she did when Nick got the promotion she got a picked up for a DUI. Nick is a lovable person and when he was being teased about he wasnt gonna get the promotion he did'nt care that wasnt inportant to him. Greg is a nut case and so adorable. Warrick is sweet and Grissom is just Grissom. Cath is there for her friends when they need her she was even there for Sara one time. But all in all Grissom is still my favorite.

How many more time's are you going to post your dislike for Sara in the Favorite CSI Character thread? It does say favorite , not least favorite and I counted three post's from you telling us why you don't like Sara on the previous page. I think we got it...you don't like Sara.

My favorite's...no surprise Sara and Grissom, although I think all of the credited cast have positive things about them.
Forgot which thread I was posting in. :rolleyes:So my favorite is Grissom loved the way he was in the first few seasons not to happy with the way he was in 5 but so far looking good this one. Cath and Sofia rate a close second.
I have never understood how anyone could like Sara, at first she was ok but she has alway had the atatude that it's all about her, when Grissom did'nt do what she though should be done about Warrick she got pissed, look what she did when Nick got the promotion she got a picked up for a DUI. Nick is a lovable person and when he was being teased about he wasnt gonna get the promotion he did'nt care that wasnt inportant to him. Greg is a nut case and so adorable. Warrick is sweet and Grissom is just Grissom. Cath is there for her friends when they need her she was even there for Sara one time. But all in all Grissom is still my favorite.

would pretty much agree with you. except i think i equally love gil and cath.
My favourite has to be Grissom! He's intelligent, witty, caring, ebarything! He is 'cool' personified. He should get an award for just for being that good!

But don't get me wrong, I still love all the other characters even if they are sometimes frustrating to watch. I don't know, but I always looked to Grissom as some kind of hero or role model (of course I would never go into Forensics or Entomology). I just admire his cool-headed, careful approach to everything.

...Until he broke that skull in season 5 XD.
I thought I posted here but must've mixed up my forums. Please, dont anyone be offended. :p

I absolutely love the entire 'original' cast. I think Jerry Bruckheimer did an outstanding job of the characters. I think the team works so well because of all of their strengths and weaknesses. I'd b most content with each role in season one. As for the current season, I've grown to like Archie and David but I cant say that I like Greg in the field. Neither can I say that I care for Hodges or Sophia.

I have to go with the entire original gang as my vote for world's favorite. Like Lays, you cant have just one! :lol:
it wouldn't work... err let me see if you'll get it this way...
i see in Sara a part of me - the anger she has i adore. and i know she cares so much for people - but at the same time she tends to be mean to her authorities... you kno what i mean now? its more complicated but i love the anger because i know its okay to hold some of it for life...
i'm speaking a foreign language right now lol

Yes now I understand and I agree :p
it wouldn't work... err let me see if you'll get it this way...
i see in Sara a part of me - the anger she has i adore. and i know she cares so much for people - but at the same time she tends to be mean to her authorities... you kno what i mean now? its more complicated but i love the anger because i know its okay to hold some of it for life...
i'm speaking a foreign language right now lol

Yes now I understand and I agree :p

I loved it when Sara went all out on Ecklie when she was called in for insubordination. She reacted just like I should have (not necessarily a good thing). I love telling people the cold, hard truth... though I have to learn when to not open my mouth (Sara =))
Well i dont know i think if you're okay with it, they have no right to stop you from speaking your mind. I wouldnt change for the world. I know not to hurt people and thats all i need to do.
Sara kicks butt! no literally.. she could like kick someone to death with all that anger ... err shes awesome
Well said Txxgrrrl! Guys this IS the "favorite character" thread not "least favorite.

How many more time's are you going to post your dislike for Sara in the Favorite CSI Character thread? It does say favorite , not least favorite and I counted three post's from you telling us why you don't like Sara on the previous page. I think we got it...you don't like Sara.

For the record SARA is my favorite CSI character. :D She´s a strong, independent, smart, funny and beautiful woman who can kick ass.

With her honesty, ethics, kindness and empathy- tinted with a bit of sorrow and temper- Sara is the most likeable, interesting and real character on that show. :)
Wow people are tending to get angry here... calm down guys theyre only characters okay.. make peace not war :D
I like Sofia already she´s shown that she has strong ethics and honesty when she would'nt bring Grissom down also I find her to be a independent, smart, and beautiful woman. And she's honest. Even working she has a feminine look about her.
Well said Txxgrrrl! Guys this IS the "favorite character" thread not "least favorite.
How many more time's are you going to post your dislike for Sara in the Favorite CSI Character thread? It does say favorite , not least favorite and I counted three post's from you telling us why you don't like Sara on the previous page. I think we got it...you don't like Sara.
*Walks in and turns down the chilling attitude factor* ;)
There was other ways of kindly asking the person, or a moderator from this forum could have been notified, it could be that maybe the person posted their comments in the wrong thread (Similar names), so lets keep the temp down on the tempers please. Thank you. ;)
My favorite, Grissom. Not only does he have a broad mind, but he also uses refrences to other evidence to help him in his cases. He's intelligent and frogiving, but not for everyone. He sees' both the good and the bad in people. Like in season 1. If anybody remembers one of the first episodes where Holly Gribbs dies collecting evidence at a robbed home. Not only did Grissom allow for Warrick to continue his job, but that's when the cast began to realize Warricks over-gambling problem. They all have their down flaws. But Grissom, doesn't have many in my book.

As for the posts about Sara, must say she comes in second.