Which CSI Character are you?

Does anyone know what the second last movie was? "T.. nights" or something? It's the one I chose, cause I couldn't place any of the titles and that one sounded the most like a porn or something. :lol:
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. It's a comedy written by and staring Will Ferrell. I've heard of all of them, I went for James Bond.
Which CSI character are you?
Your Result: You are Greg Sanders

Greg You dont take life too seriously, and can make even the most serious person laugh hysterically. Although you are often a goofball, you have great respect and loyalty for those you care about. You use humor often, but arent afraid to deal with serious situations when necessary. You put up a tough front, but deep down youre just a dork that cares deeply for others. You arent afraid to pursue whatever your dream is at the time, and you manage to overcome whatever obstacle is in your path. You make friends easily, but remain loyal to the ones you care about the most. You love rocking out to whatever band you are obsessing over at the time, and you are always up to date on current trends. Overall, you are sweet, funny, compassionate, determined and loyal.

Other Character I could be:
You are Sara Sidle - yeah right! I'm not addicted to work and I don't tend to get emotional.
You are Nick Stokes - yeah I feel I'm like Nick alot of the time.
You are Warrick Brown - no comment.
You are Gil Grissom - Like I said sometimes I act like Gil.
You are Catherine Willows - No comment.

Yay but I didn't expect it.......my brother said I'm more like Grissom - that may sound say but its true so I am at this point a little confused lol.
Which CSI character are you? Greg Sanders

Nick Stokes
Warrick Brown
Gil Grissom
Sara Sidle
Catherine Willows

I never thought I was that much like Greg. Most times my quiet tendencies make me more like Grissom. I do know that I am nothing like Catherine and Sara. :lol:

Greg Sanders YAY! :D

Warrick Brown
Nick Stokes
Gil Grissom
Sara Sidle
Catherine Willows

Wow that was a good time, thanks for sharing!
hey! I've never posted anything here before, but it was cool to see that you guys have been taking my quiz! I made it last summer for fun (when I was 17) when I had a lot of time to kill. It's the first and only quiz I've ever made, so it has a lot of mistakes. It's almost impossible to get warrick or catherine, and some of the questions are really obvious. I had a blast making it though! thanks for taking it! i am amazed that anyone would even want to take it, so i was really surprised to see it posted here!
Which CSI character are you?
Your Result: You are Nick Stokes

Nick You see things in black and white, and always do what is just. You are always a gentlemen/women, and use your charms to your advantage. You are a very good negotiator because of your honesty and lovability. You are usually pretty competitive, and always want to come out on top. You tend to be impulsive, often not thinking before you speak and letting your emotions drive you. You often look to others for validity, but are learning to think for yourself. Overall, you are sensitive, just, impulsive, lovable, and persuasive.
You are Sara Sidle

You are Warrick Brown

You are Gil Grissom

You are Greg Sanders

You are Catherine Willows
arcticfox113 said:
hey! I've never posted anything here before, but it was cool to see that you guys have been taking my quiz! I made it last summer for fun (when I was 17) when I had a lot of time to kill. It's the first and only quiz I've ever made, so it has a lot of mistakes. It's almost impossible to get warrick or catherine, and some of the questions are really obvious. I had a blast making it though! thanks for taking it! i am amazed that anyone would even want to take it, so i was really surprised to see it posted here!

Well done on making an awesome quiz!! :D
I had so much fun doing it and I am really happy with my result :D