Which CSI Character are you?


Police Officer
Hey guys! :D
I found this quiz that determines: Which CSI Character you are

I am Greg :D

Greg You dont take life too seriously, and can make even the most serious person laugh hysterically. Although you are often a goofball, you have great respect and loyalty for those you care about. You use humor often, but arent afraid to deal with serious situations when necessary. You put up a tough front, but deep down youre just a dork that cares deeply for others. You arent afraid to pursue whatever your dream is at the time, and you manage to overcome whatever obstacle is in your path. You make friends easily, but remain loyal to the ones you care about the most. You love rocking out to whatever band you are obsessing over at the time, and you are always up to date on current trends. Overall, you are sweet, funny, compassionate, determined and loyal.

My next choices are:

Give it ago! Its really fun :D
Which CSI Character are you?
Whoohoo! I'm Nicky!

Nick You see things in black and white, and always do what is just. You are always a gentlemen/women, and use your charms to your advantage. You are a very good negotiator because of your honesty and lovability. You are usually pretty competitive, and always want to come out on top. You tend to be impulsive, often not thinking before you speak and letting your emotions drive you. You often look to others for validity, but are learning to think for yourself. Overall, you are sensitive, just, impulsive, lovable, and persuasive.

My next are:
Which CSI character are you?
Your Result: You are Gil Grissom

GRISSOM You are wise and knowledgeable. You are quietly passionate, but shy away from intimacy. You have a love for literature and obscure facts, and find humor in the little things. Many people find you strange, but you couldn't care less. There arent very many people who know you really well, and you like it better that way. You spend much of your time alone, doing the things you love rather than wasting it with people that don't understand you. You respect everyone, and can see people for who they are, without judging them. Overall, you are compassionate, introverted, extremely intelligent, and somewhat of an outcast.

Then Sara, Nick, Warrick, Catherine and Greg.
Your Result: You are Greg Sanders

Than I am Sara Sidle, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown, Catherine Willows and Gil Grissom
I'm Greg :lol: Didn't really expect that...

Overall, you are sweet, funny, compassionate, determined and loyal.

If that's Greg, than I think I really am Greg :p

*eta then I am Sara, Nick, Warrick, Catherine, Grissom
I turned out to be Sara Sidle :) she's cool

You are very dedicated to your job, and doing what you feel is just. You are very driven and passionate about everything you do, and you tend to be quite moody. You are brutally honest, and are never afraid to speak your mind. You learn quickly, and are always eager to learn more. You tend to be emotionally unstable at times, but you are strong and usually able to cope with high stress situations. You are often sarcastic, and arent afraid to show how tough you are; although deep down you have a heart of gold. Overall you are witty, passionate, tough, and honest.
Oh my - I turned out to be Greg Sanders as well. That is hilarious!!
Your Result: You are Nick Stokes

Nick You see things in black and white, and always do what is just. You are always a gentlemen/women, and use your charms to your advantage. You are a very good negotiator because of your honesty and lovability. You are usually pretty competitive, and always want to come out on top. You tend to be impulsive, often not thinking before you speak and letting your emotions drive you. You often look to others for validity, but are learning to think for yourself. Overall, you are sensitive, just, impulsive, lovable, and persuasive.

Mine turned out to be Sara :)

But I tried to copy the section, but couldn't get it to work, so all that kept coming up was all these http and symbols. :(

Oh well :p :p
I'm Greg!

Greg You dont take life too seriously, and can make even the most serious person laugh hysterically. Although you are often a goofball, you have great respect and loyalty for those you care about. You use humor often, but arent afraid to deal with serious situations when necessary. You put up a tough front, but deep down youre just a dork that cares deeply for others. You arent afraid to pursue whatever your dream is at the time, and you manage to overcome whatever obstacle is in your path. You make friends easily, but remain loyal to the ones you care about the most. You love rocking out to whatever band you are obsessing over at the time, and you are always up to date on current trends. Overall, you are sweet, funny, compassionate, determined and loyal.

The runner up choice was Sara.
^LMH the code bit you tried to copy is html, which won't work on this site, so I just highlighted and copied the actual text. ;)

I was Sara too, and some of it is quite like me (I definitely have moody and sarcastic tendencies). ;) That was a long quiz though, and some of the questions seemed quite obvious whilst others were just completely random! (or at least that is how they seemed)... :lol:

Sara You are very dedicated to your job, and doing what you feel is just. You are very driven and passionate about everything you do, and you tend to be quite moody. You are brutally honest, and are never afraid to speak your mind. You learn quickly, and are always eager to learn more. You tend to be emotionally unstable at times, but you are strong and usually able to cope with high stress situations. You are often sarcastic, and arent afraid to show how tough you are; although deep down you have a heart of gold. Overall you are witty, passionate, tough, and honest.
I'm Grissom...

You are wise and knowledgeable. You are quietly passionate, but shy away from intimacy. You have a love for literature and obscure facts, and find humor in the little things. Many people find you strange, but you couldnt care less. There arent very many people who know you really well, and you like it better that way. You spend much of your time alone, doing the things you love rather than wasting it with people that dont understand you. You respect everyone, and can see people for who they are, without judging them. Overall, you are compassionate, introverted, extremely intelligent, and somewhat of an outcast.

This is actually somewhat accurate. I'm amazed...

Then I am Warrick, Greg, Nick, Sara, and Cath

You are very dedicated to your job, and doing what you feel is just. You are very driven and passionate about everything you do, and you tend to be quite moody. You are brutally honest, and are never afraid to speak your mind. You learn quickly, and are always eager to learn more. You tend to be emotionally unstable at times, but you are strong and usually able to cope with high stress situations. You are often sarcastic, and arent afraid to show how tough you are; although deep down you have a heart of gold. Overall you are witty, passionate, tough, and honest.

It's like me, somewhat. But I'm rarely moody. I actually have toomuch patience and let things go which I probably shouldn't. Yes, I can be emotionally unstable, I suppose.

Interesing quiz though. :D Some, like Elsie said, were pretty easy to figure out, like the one about noticig the book, but many were just... huh? :lol: