Which Colour is each couple?

Okay guys. This thread started out so well. Let's keep it that way.
Basically what color do you see each ship?

Let's NOT start comments like... GSR is the color of dog poo because it stinks! That kind of stuff is not okay!
If you really don't like a ship and feel the need to explain, please take it to the debate thread.

Does that clear things up? Please feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.

Back to colors....
I was thinking that Cath and Warrick could also be red because they were just hot together ;).

Great point! They could also be yellow because of all of the electricity between them, but honestly I've always seen them as red. :-D I have a feeling that would mae a good fanfic, haha.
I don't actually watch the original, but I saw part of one eppy wheen some woman slipped of some slanting wall and some guy caught her and there seemed to be some spark that I liked but I don't know who or when it was. When I saw that, though, it was all yellow. Not in any reference to the song, whatsoever. Any1 know when that was?
I don't actually watch the original, but I saw part of one eppy wheen some woman slipped of some slanting wall and some guy caught her and there seemed to be some spark that I liked but I don't know who or when it was. When I saw that, though, it was all yellow. Not in any reference to the song, whatsoever. Any1 know when that was?

That was Cath and Warrick (aka YoBling) in "Down The Drain" (I believe that was the name of the episode) and I think it was Season 5.

Angell/Flack: Brown....his eyes are blue, and hers are Brown...its great =)
Flack/Stella: Well here I think dark Green....
D/L: Baby Pink xD
Hardy Boys: Dark Green
Ryan:Green- life do to his survival ( his eye,turture,and grenade)
Black- stability and death ( close call with eye and his OCD)
Eric:Green- life do to his survival ( shot to the head)
Black- Death ( his sister, speed, close call with head shot)

Black mixed with Green equals a Dark Green.

To keep this color going with threesomes add Horatio to the mix.

Horatio:Green- life do to survival (getting shot even though it was staged)
Black- death ( his brother, close call, speed, his wife/eric's sister)
"The Love" (Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders) = Blue

Just because:

Greg = ex. lab tech (blue lab coat)
Nick = ex. cop (blue uniforms)

Plus the lab & station is always blue, a lot of their scenes have bright lighting & blue tint, and because blue rhymes with true, which their love is. :p
Interesting colours people.

Well I think the love : Nick/Greg as rainbow colours. Pure, simple, and fun !! oh and that like a rainbow you dont know what you're going to get from one season to another....
Eric/Calleigh - Yellow. Really bright and happy and really sexy and playful...and of course, the bright Miami sun.

Horatio/Yelina - Orange with dashes of green. Orange because the realtionship was explored aback in Seasons 1 to 3, but with specks of green because they didn't/haven't acted upon their feelings for each other [yet]. Come on TPTB, H needs some love in his life!!! Pretty please with a cherry on top...? :(

Mac/Stella - Red and blue. Red 'cause of all the unresolved sexual tension in scenes with these two and how they've known each other for the longest (and therefore, the best) on the show, but blue because their relationship hasn't been exactly explored "officially" on the show. Hopefully, TPTB will actually hook them up in the final season of the show or in Gary/Melina's last episode...I don't need sex and a whole family of Taylor babies [that'd still be cool though:p], but realization would be enough...:drool: [When I dream, this dream will come true...*googly-eyed*...eventually...I hope...;)]
"The Love" (Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders) = Blue

Just because:

Greg = ex. lab tech (blue lab coat)
Nick = ex. cop (blue uniforms)

Plus the lab & station is always blue, a lot of their scenes have bright lighting & blue tint, and because blue rhymes with true, which their love is. :p

Yes, I agree. Blue. Its calm, its solid, its true blue just like "The Love"
Grissom and Sara green, blue and sand colors, beings there always finding evidence in sand, and they love greenery and the blue skies above:bolian:
