Where you from?

St. Louis? I really want to go there. People tell me it's not that great, but that's my first stop when I get to the United States. Okay..Vegas is my first stop :lol:

I think I've already said this, but I'm an Alberta girl from Canada. :D
wwow. everyone's from these friggin awesom eplaces, while i'm here in St. Louis, Missouri, United States

That's way better than my crappy little town! :lol: No one here uses the english language right, the school district sucks, the people here are total asses, etc :rolleyes:
I'm from the netherlands.. a place in Gelderland.. I know it don't say much to you all but.. the place called Heerde.. It's a small village.. It's really small.. but yeah.. I live there and I loved it.. ;) ;)
i sorta missed this thread until now, i didnt even read all of it, just got to page 3. im from jerusalem, israel. ducky, i hate the eurovision, its all pop music and i8 am embarrased that israel is in it :).

roka4csi, are you against jews? no offence, just wondering.
I'm from the netherlands.. a place in Gelderland.. I know it don't say much to you all but.. the place called Heerde.. It's a small village.. It's really small.. but yeah.. I live there and I loved it.. ;) ;)
Ohh I know Heerde!! I used to live in Zwolle :D And I now live in Zutphen (where I was born and raised). So YAY I'm not the only Gelderlander around anymore!!