whats your weird talent??

what can you do that no one else can, what is your own thing that you know no one can do better then you, be proud and hold you're head up high :D

mine is i can do the chipmuck voice, like alvin, simmon and theadore (he is my fav one) i can speak like it but i can sing with really good tone to any song, like the song im listening to now "money talks" the best ac/dc song

whats yours
I can imitate people (not well, but... sometimes *rarely* I can do it okay ;)), move my lip in a reall weird way, make my eye twitch and lip twitch at the same time, make myself cry on demand *usually :rolleyes:*, make my voice really squeaky (not on helium :D), and move my entire scalp :lol: :p
I can put my hands on my hips, fingers facing backwards, thumbs out, and clap with my elbows.

I can dislocate my shoulders and fingers at will.

We're not sure why I can do any of this stuff, but my mom is worried I may have a joint problem, so she wants me to see a physiotherapist.
I can lie on my stomach and then reach with my feet my forehead.. my ballet teacher saw me do that once and she was like :eek: "Jayney! Stop that, you might break your back!" Within a year it became a regular exercise at the school to get our backmuscles more flexible :lol: Still, I was the only one to actually be able to do it.
lol. This is a fun thread. Mine's not really that weird but I can put my head behind my ankles and lift my leg backward over my head lol!!

Here I thought I was a member of a message board of normal people who enjoy a popular television show. Now, I am starting to get worried. ;)
I can do impressions of various celebrities (singers, actors, comedians). I used to do their voices on the college campus radio station, and I did some for a while on my answering machine till I got bored changing them every couple of months. I do other odd voices like the helium one, also. My coworkers laugh when I imitate the bosses.
I can clap my tongue double and then stick my tongue out, without letting it clap back :p trust me, it´s harder than it looks :lol:
Oh and i also can move my ears and nostrils and making my stomach roll, like belly dancing
Dynamo1 said:
Here I thought I was a member of a message board of normal people who enjoy a popular television show. Now, I am starting to get worried. ;)

I don't know if any of us normal, considering we are obsessed over CSI!

I can imitate one of my professor's accents.
pizzapie said:
Dynamo1 said:
Here I thought I was a member of a message board of normal people who enjoy a popular television show. Now, I am starting to get worried. ;)

I don't know if any of us normal, considering we are obsessed over CSI!

If this forum is just for normal people, I shouldn't be here! :D
I'm weird, but don't have any talent... maybe trying to make others laugh when their down. :)
My friends are here, and we have discovered we have a weird talent for making choose-your-own-adventure books. WE are on page 21 of ours, and I swear it's totally awesome.
I can put my thumb at my polse, I don't know how to explain it.. and I can reach the bottom of my pink with the bottom of the same thumb. I can also burp like 7 seconds, and then really loud..