What's Your Favorite Smart Phone App?

I can't get Bejewelled on my Droid, but I have Jewels, which is similar. Just got Angry Birds Rio too!
Bejeweled is also on DSi...I have Bejeweled Twist.

Let's see, Droid...I've gone a little app crazy too, since I just got it.

Appbrain and Best Apps

Angry Birds

Toss it and Paper Toss-two similar games, you toss the paper ball into the trashcan

Xplane-flight sim...my only paid app so far, and it'll be awesome once I get the hang of it.

Sword-turns your phone into a virtual sword...useless but cool

Weather Channel-some say Weatherbug is better but TWC suits me okay

Juice Defender-improve your battery life

SwiftKey-better than the default keyboard, since I haven't mastered Swype yet

Dolphin browser-I'm normally a devout Firefox girl, but the Droid one isn't as well-liked. Dolphin is nice though.

Ringtone MP3-the first app where I found the CSI theme (rather than regular WHo Are You) for my ringtone

Google Earth-I'm entranced by it on PC, although I haven't gotten it since my last wipe on my old laptop

Ball hit-fun with maneuvering the phone to hit the white ball

G reader-blog reader

Can Knockdown

Poolmaster Pro-pool game

Roller-Skeeball game-needs improvement

Zedge-kept 'cause it has the Merlin theme, for future ringtone switchage

Xfinity moble-I can get my Comcast on the go

Advanced Task Manager-app killer is a blessing, speeds up the phone


Lookout security free

Slugs lite

One of those swinging ball things, the kinetic energy gizmo


I have other apps too but i haven't tried 'em all yet...there's a curling game,bubble blaster, Simon,Google maps and I got the IMDB app along with Meebo, which I use for my AIM and MSN...sometimes Yahoo too. I got the scanner ap too, along with Photobucket, since I have an account. Tried a few other free games, yanked 'em 'cause I didn't like them.

I almost got the live CSI wallpaper but they say live papers are battery drainers, so I made my own from a GSR pic hehe.

I'd love to take out a few apps, like Gmail and Rock Band, but IDK how yet. (Easy Uninstall doesn't show them)

Man, that's a lot more apps than I realized lol
Well, I do not have a smart phone but I have an iPod touch which is basically the same.
My favourite apps are:
The biometric finger scanners
Angry Birds
My faves are (also known as the ones I use the most frequently)
Angry Birds
BBC News app
Compare The Market meerkat soundboard
Cineworld (cinema listings for my local cinema)
Sky Sports Soccer Scorecentre
Subway Subcard app

I have many others that only get used occasionally.
I had to dig this thread up because I need to add Speedx 3D to my list! It's available for Android, Symbian and there's an app with the same idea and interface for iPhone called Boost 3D.
I guess I'll add some apps to this list for you, Smokey:

I love music and I love free music so Pandora is obviously a great app for me. If you like entertainment, you always have Bookworm. Angry Birds is addicting but no other game but Bookworm allows you to learn while exercising your competitiveness.:lol:
I guess I'll add some apps to this list for you, Smokey:

I love music and I love free music so Pandora is obviously a great app for me. If you like entertainment, you always have Bookworm. Angry Birds is addicting but no other game but Bookworm allows you to learn while exercising your competitiveness.:lol:

I love Bookworm! Didn't know there was an app version, so I'll look it up. :) Thanks!