What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

Some of you need to add more content to your posts please, as they are a little spammy.

Maybe, as a suggestion for this thread, when you are posting your wallpapers you could add some more content about why you like it, why you chose it etc. Also, if you're just commenting on someone's wallpaper that is OK, but really more than a couple of words is needed, try and comment on more than one perhaps. :)
Awww thanks AC & Katie! That is very nice of both of you!!! Mine is a pic of my cute son!

More then 6-7 years my desktop wallpaper is The X-files movie poster. (at home and in my office ) I just love this tv show so much hehe Also I don`t like coloured walls. Don`t know why... maybe coz this way is more eays to see the icons on my desktop or coz I prefer black and white photos.
This is my new desktop wall:

I just loved the picture so much that I had to make it into a wallpaper, the style is simple but I thought it fit the feel of the photograph.