What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

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happy birthday to Dolphin & Supervisor, i wish the best for you both and let your luck be with you..
Happy b-day, Dolphin and Supervisor! :) Me hopes you both will have a great day, full of presents. And Dolph, remember, age is nothing but a number.
Happy frigging birthday feenex. May all your wishes come true, especially that one of a nudie Hawkes delivered to your door. C'mon, don't deny it ;). Seriously though I hope you have a wonderful day & I hope all your wishes come true. Finally, as us Greeks say...I hope you make it to 100. Chronia Pola :).
Thanks, everyone. I had a great day!

*puts chocolate cake on the table*

Roos, I know age is just a number... sometimes I feel like 10 years old... :lol: :p

Happy belated Birthday, WillowsWannaBe and SupervisoR! Hope you had a great day! ;)
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