What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

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hey Wibbs one late Happy B-day from me too :D

When you're smilin', when you're smilin'
The whole world smiles with you
When you're laughin', when you're laughin'
The sun comes shinin' through

But when you're cryin', you bring on the rain
So stop that cryin', be happy again
Keep on smilin', 'cause when you're smilin'
The whole world smiles with you

When you're smilin', when you're smilin'
The whole world, it smiles with you
When you're laughin', oh babe, when you're laughin'
The sun would-a come shining through

But when you're cryin', you bring on the rain
So stop that sighin', come on and be happy again
Keep on smilin', 'cause when you're smilin', baby
The whole world smiles with you

thanks all, and yeah ineverysunflower i'm trying to get on the yobling board but i'm so burried under exam work and stuff, ive just got no time atm lol. but hold soon so i will be in there then.
thanks all!!! i just got back from dinner with mah family, was fun :D we rode shopping trolleys home coz we couldnt drive :lol:
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