What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

I think this is a pretty cool idea, though I liked to see they also have a plan where those pencils will go to after (if) the strike has settled. To schools and kindergartens and so on I really would like to see.

As for supporting the writers as fans... I hope that makes the suits also finally see that we DO be able to make an impact. :D
This strike is horrible. I hope its over soon because we are really going to miss our favorite shows once their newest episodes run out and we have to watch re-runs.

Its times like this that I just want to want a script and send it in :lol:

The pencil campaign sounds interesting, Ill check it out.
I do hope the strike ends soon--there are a lot of people with no jobs to go to, and it would be nice if it's over sooner rather than later. With the holidays coming up, I definitely think it would be great news to learn that it's winding down. :)
I don’t know if someone has said this already, I haven’t really been coming to the site recently so if someone already posted this I apologize. But I was on another CSI: NY site today and their layout is the new CSI: NY promo for the 4th season. You know the one where their all having lunch together, and it got me thinkin if the writers strike isn’t resolved then we may not find out what some of the secret/clues in the picture mean. Like Flack holding his gun, Hawkes shinning a flashlight on Flack gun, Lindsay being the only on barefoot etc… I just feel that will suck. Does anyone know where we stand on the writers strike?? If the writers will still be writing shows about the promo pic or will all that be swept under the rug. I hope not, I was really hoping for a good Flack episode this season. He’s one of the best characters and has only had one episode about him and that wasn’t even entirely about him. Well just something I thought of. Again I apologize if someone already brought this up.
I really hope the strike is resolved. Because they made a little game for us with the picture and we figured it out, so i wanna see what our reward is!!! lol
I would also love to see a good Flack episode this season, one about him, not a side story but one with mainly him... well i guess it would have to e a side story... lol
I agree with you guys, I think we need a good Flack centric episode. And I'm going to say something that I'll probably be hated for... but I am getting sick of Danny Centric episodes. I love Danny, he's great, really. But I'm just getting tired of Danny centered episodes. Maybe push him to the side and hive another character a chance(Hawkes, Flack, even Adam).

Now on the writers strike.. I really hope it's resolved soon, I want more than 14 CSI: NY episodes. And I hate to see other people losing their jobs over this. And I'm really missing the Colbert Report, SNL, The Daily show... etc But I don't want to ever be saying I'm missing CSI: NY, until may!

You know what I read David Letterman is going to do, I read that he is going to pay his staff out of his pocket over the holidays if the writers strike is not resolved by then. What a nice guy! Oh and I also read that 90% of the SNL staff got fired, it wasn't confirmed that it was 90%... but I do know that a lot of staff got fired.
Anthony Zuiker said:
CSI Files: Do any of those things hint at what's to come for the characters?

Zuiker: There's no hidden deeper storyline in the photo. I wanted the story of the photograph to tell a story about the characters. That reflects their love interest. With Gary and Melina, it's old media meets new media. Gary's got The New York Times in his hand, he's lowering it to look at Melina's new iPhone, which she's probably reading The New York Times online. And Don Flack (Eddie Cahill)--you have the streetwise kid cleaning his gun with the scientist Sheldon Hawkes (Hill Harper), holding a flashlight to the system as he cleans his gun. Every twosome tells a story and then you bring out of it what you may. Much like the Charles C. Ebbets photo, which was a sign of its times--those guys were drinking whiskey on the beams and smoking. It's the same kind of thing with technology and our characters in that photograph. We went into it to iconocize our cast members in CSI: New York by doing a homage to a wonderful, timeless photo.
So we won't be missing out on storylines because there won't be any--I know Zuiker hinted at it before, but he's apparently saying something different now. So Flack holding the gun just represents Flack holding a gun.

And I'm going to say something that I'll probably be hated for... but I am getting sick of Danny Centric episodes.
Oh, you won't be hated for saying that. A lot of people agree with you. ;)

As for the strike, I'm really curious about what's going on in the negotiations, but they're keeping it all under wraps, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
flackie_boo said:
I agree with you guys, I think we need a good Flack centric episode. And I'm going to say something that I'll probably be hated for... but I am getting sick of Danny Centric episodes. I love Danny, he's great, really. But I'm just getting tired of Danny centered episodes. Maybe push him to the side and hive another character a chance(Hawkes, Flack, even Adam).

To each their own, but Danny has been pushed to the side for a season and a half. I think it's about time they rectified that because he really is one of the more interesting characters on the show. His drama episodes also seem to get good ratings as well.

What Fay said about the pic. I wish there was more to Flack wiping his gun down because that seemed really interesting to me! I still love that pic. :D

I hope the strike ends soon--on Monday there were some promising rumors, but those seem to have given way to less optimistic news. :( I hope a resolution is reached soon...
That's really bad news. :(

I've been to CBS Radford to picket a couple of times, and I know the writers found the last deal offered (which amounted to $250/year to each writer for shows rerun on the internet) really ridiculous.

I did a short article on the NY writers and took a pic, which will hopefully show up at some point--I'm waiting for tech help on that one.
Top41 said:
That's really bad news. :(

I've been to CBS Radford to picket a couple of times, and I know the writers found the last deal offered (which amounted to $250/year to each writer for shows rerun on the internet) really ridiculous.

I don't blame them. I don't know much about the situation, but just from the little I've read I think that offer is really insulting.
so how many episodes do you think there will be. I just can't imagine this strike going on for months. someody will have to give in before then.
I can see it lasting longer(even though I hope it doesn't) only because the last time they were on strike in 88' that lasted 6 months, but anything is possible.