What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

Calleygirl said:
Why is it that other shows like alot of the comedies for instance have shut down production who do have at least 2 or 3 more scripts already written...my question is how does that affect the CSI shows or even the rest that are still in production finishing what they have left?

From what I have been able to figure out is that a lot of the half hour sitcoms have a lot of re-writes even after the script is in the can and they are filming that episode. A lot of it is ad-libbed as well. Thus, the writers are needed on set throughout the filming of the episodes to handle last second re-writes as they come up. Versus hour long dramas that stick closer to the script as is.

I could be totally wrong on all of this, so don't take it as gospel truth!

I read an article on the strike - can't remember where - that said that is the reason. Scripts for sitcoms are written in a week and are rewritten as the taping goes on and they see what works and what doesn't.
well, i hope it hs no effect on ths show. i find that this year the writing is much better than it has been before. I hope it stays as good as it is.
As far as I know, the CSI shows will film the remainder of their episodes, but that's not that many. There are only two more eps that remained to be filmed of NY: 412 and 413. I imagine they'll finish up in the next few weeks.
Hey when the strike is over, will all shows return?? Or could some shows be cancelled because of the strike??
I don't know how accurate it is, but I just saw a list of how many more new episodes each show was going to have. CSI:NY has 14 episodes done, 7 have aired already so there are 7 more left to air. I can cut and paste the list for anyone who wants to see how many are left of their favorite shows.
Yes, I've read that as well. It's not encouraging (my mind is still in denial, I want my whole season...) but it's more than a lot of other TV shows have.
Some shows have already shut down production, so we're lucky NY is going to have so many episodes completed. Did all the other CSI shows make it to 14, or are they going to have fewer eps done? 14 is actually more than half the season (since it's usually 24 eps to a season), so that's a good thing. Not as good as a whole season of the show completed of course ;) , but better than an immediate shut down.
According to my spoiler source, Miami has 13 episodes while Vegas has only 11.

I know we're luckier than most and this is serious stuff but see, after all that talk about great Danny scenes I was getting my hopes up for a great season for him and then this happens... *sighs* the fangirl in me is sad. ;)
Orison said:
According to my spoiler source, MIami has 13 episodes while Vegas has only 11.

I know, we're luckier than most, but see after all that talk about great Danny scenes I was getting my hopes up for a great season for him and then this happens... *sighs* the fangirl in me is sad. ;)

I know what you mean. Even though I realize there are serious issues at stake and all of that, and I do understand that these are just TV shows, and I actually do have a life... :) I'm rather annoyed that this had to happen NOW because the GSR thing is finally almost over with on Vegas. I've wondered if this means they will concentrate more on interesting cases, and/or move on to other characters, but now we won't get much of a chance to see what direction the show will take before it all comes to a grinding halt. Oh well. At least NY won't seem quite so much "up in the air" since the 333 thing will be concluded. But will the SL case be resolved? I don't remember when that storyline was supposed to reappear. Sorry if this is going off topic.
Despite me being a bit sick of the strike coverage already (poor me, because it ain't gonna end soon), I enjoyed reading this interesting article (linked in this CSI Files news item)--it talks about things from a slightly different perspective than I've seen so far reading Variety and whatnot. In the article, it talks about the fact that the producers might not have been totally serious during negotiations, and that they might even gain from the strike in the short-term.

A very interesting read. :) It's long, but if you're curious, I think you'll like it.

LateToTheGame[/b]]The Second Life sequel was supposed to air right before the Grammys. No idea how things will happen now that the strike is going on...the spoilers for episode 13 indicate that a judge was killed, so (not having looked at the spoilers myself) maybe it's possible that episode will be the continuation? (Don't take my word for it--like I said, I haven't read the spoilers for ep 13.)
Okay so I'm reading this thing about the strike, it is an online petition and they were giving a little bit of information. Now The writers want 8 cents of the shares. And then I'm thinking to myself... How hard can it be to give them 8 cents? you can give big ticket actors like Brad Pitt millions of dollars to do a movie, but you can't give the writers 8 cents of internet and DVD shares. I mean come on, it's 8 cents, 8 cents that the writers truly deserve. we don't have any episodes for the actors to do if theres no writers.

Just give them the 8 freakin cents so I can have some new episodes of SNL and all the other shows like that. Give them the 8 cents so we don't go half way through a season of a show and stop at something important and then go on an 8 month hiatus, because they didn't get the EIGHT cents!

and I don't want to be confined to watching repeats, game shows, reality shows and the news! come on thats not a good selection! There are some good game and reality shows... but jeez.. i don't want to be stuck watching those.

I am probably missing some details to the strike though.