What kind of cell phone do you have??


CSI Level Two
Nowadays, just about everyone has a cell phone. I'm sure just about everyone here has one, too. So, what kind of cell phone do you have? Do you like it? Would you recommend it to a friend? What cell phone do you really want or would you like to have?

Currently, I carry a T-Mobile Sidekick II. It's an awesome phone. I love it! I would definatley recommend anyone to buy it. It will do anything.

I also carry a Motorola i730. Another pic . It's the same one you see the CSIs carrying! I noticed that about a month after I bought mine. I like it okay, but it's not the best. You're really limited to what you can do with it. The coolest thing about the phone is that it has disco lights on the outside when it rings. That is pretty awesome and catches everyone's attention. I bought it mainly because I wanted a "walkie-talkie" phone to talk to my boyfriend. I rarely ever use it now though.

So... what kind of cell phone do you have?
I have a cellphone! *holds up cellphone her mom let her borrow* :D No, I don't have a cellphone, since I don't need one, because I have no social life. :((lives in house, school, piano, CSI, is all I need)
w0000000t!!!! I got a new cell phone!! :D :D Joy joy joy!! Mine is a Verizon LG camera phone :D *goes to hug my dad for getting me a phone* Its flippy...it flips...*flips phone open and shut for 3 hours*
Posted by CSI3:
I have a cellphone! *holds up cellphone her mom let her borrow* :D No, I don't have a cellphone, since I don't need one, because I have no social life. :((lives in house, school, piano, CSI, is all I need)

Awww :( *hugs CSI3*

My cellphone is an Orange Spv c500 - It has MSN messenger on it so I spend all day chatting instead of talking to people on the phone ;)
Well...my dad stole my phone. So when I get a new one, I might get a Motorola Razor

Either that or I'm just getting the same phone again...which I can't seem to find a picture of right now :(.
i have a Sony Ericsson T610 w/ T-Mobile as ...uh..my service? i`ve had this fone since October of my frosh year.

GRRR awesomeredhead...i want your fone!!! if we stay with T-Mobile..my mom said i can get that once our contract is over in Oct. of this year. either that..or we will switch over to Cingular...and i want a better fone! :rolleyes:
I used to have a Motorola E380 but someone stole it from me and I'm still waiting for H to come to my rescue!!! . . . I just had it for like two moths . . . :( my baby!!!, my pretty lil cell phone with awesome lights . . . now I'm stucked with a Sony Ericsson KF788 or something like that . . . :( it sucks!!!, I don't even have ring tones!!!!!, text messages, lights, well anything at all!!!! :( :( :(
*mumbles* imighthaveacrappyphone. A phone that's like 3 yrs out of fashion. Its Siemens.This is my phone. Siemens C45 Its kinda grey-ish. :rolleyes: *burst into tears* I want a phone where it has a background so you can choose. And oh, a camera phone as well. :D
I used to have a Motorola V300 with Rogers Wireless. The coolest little phone out there, it was purple. Now, since I moved to Telus, I have a Samsung A600, which is pretty cool, it's a camera phone, like the old one. It has a flash on it...it's cool, the only problem is it's bulky, I can't have that.

The Razr, also known as the V700--I think...is awesome. Very, very, very awesome and very, very, very expensive.

What I hate about cell phones? The catch. The plan that they get you on. To cancel with Telus (which I wanted to do), costs about $600. I was stark raving mad.
I have a Motorola T2260 that I have had for about four years. No camera, no text messaging, no IM, no ring tones, "not a single luxury. Like robinson crusoe, it's primitive as can be."

It was free with a two-year contract with Alltel. Before the two years were up, I needed a new battery. Alltel stopped carrying them because that model phone was discontinued. I wasn't asking them for a new face plate or a sequin carrying case, just something that helps make it work. I found a replacement battery at a competitor.

By the way, the last four digits of my cell phone are the same as my home number. That makes it easier to remember.
I have a Samsung X426 Its so cute and tiny! :D Its the newest model (as far as I know) from Samsung, and I didn't even pay for it! (Got it as a highschool graduation present from my parents)

I still don't know why I wanted one so much. I don't have a social life, I don't like phoning people or talking to long.