what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

Horatio is my favorite character. I can't really say I've got a favorite episode of any of the CSI's.
Favorite episodes: "Blood Drops", "Bad Words", "Paper or Plastic?" and "Fannysmackin'" (poor Greggo)

I <3 GREG!
pyro, that's a lovely banner representing the cuteness that is Greg. Unfortunately, it's a little too big. :lol:

Board rules require that banners are no bigger than 75 in height, 220 in width. If you could make that adjustment asap, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

Fave ep: A Bullett Runs Trough it & All For Our Country (the second mainly because it has Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it).

Fave CSI: Nick Stokes, followed closly by Warrick
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

Fave chara: Greggy *drools*
Fave epi: Haven't seen season 6 and 7 yet, but to this point GraveDanger is my fave episode. Well..both parts.
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

LV ep: Fannysmackin'
LV character: Sara and Greg. (So adorable!)

Miami ep: Rio. The direction and the action was a great combination.
Miami character: Horatio, Delko, Calleigh.

New York ep: Stealing Home, Not What it Seems, Love Run Cold... la dee da
New York character: Lindsay, Danny, Flack. :)
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

it has to be H. Caine from CSI Miami the simple reason is the sunglasses for justice
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

^^ :lol: The sunglasses are pretty damn awesome. For me, he's the head (from Griss, Mac and Horatio) with the most heart. He always promises kids to help them find out about what happened to their parents. He's always taking care of everyone (his friends, family, sister-in-law...) around him without being asked to. He cares and sympathizes with people. He reminds me of my dad. :D
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

LV character: Greg, Grissom, Sara
LV epi: Scuba Doobie Doo, Organ Grinder, Chasing the Bus, Play With Fire, Viva Las Vegas...

M character: Alexx, Ryan
M epi: Nailed
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

Character - Sara. ETA: Also adding Sofia and Hodges, and Ecklie too. Gotta love Ecklie. You can't get a better villain than him.
Episode - I've plenty, but Grave Danger's #1 my list. Quentin, king of gore. George Eads shouldve won an emmy for his performance.

Character - My top fav is Mac. Lindsay, Hawkes and Danny comes next. Yes, I like Lindsay.
Episode - Run Silent, Run Deep. And most of Season 2.

Character - Alexx. It's creepy how she used to talk to dead bodies, but at least it's interesting.
Episode - I can't recall because I only watch it here and there.
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

NY: "The One With All The Bugs(To Eat", not be eaten by). I don't know the name, but I just love the way Lindsay and Danny bond in that episode. Fave character:Danny.
Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact

Fave character???Cath+Warrick and Greg
Episode?Huh...Grave danger..Tarantino is fantastic!
My favorite character is Nick! He's strong willed and hot to boot! My favorite episode would probably be a toss up between Gumdrops and Viva Las Vegas.