There are so many quotes I love, it's hard to narrow any down, here are just a few of them. :lol:
Greg: I guess I should stop trying to impress you.
Grissom: That would impress me.
Sara: So relax and lie down on your back.
Greg: You know, this is exactly like a dream I had once, except it wasn't in a garage and Grissom wasn't watching.
Greg: That was a different dream. :lol:
Grissom: A Harvard professor conducted an experiment. Asked a bunch of students to watch a basketball game - count the number of times the ball was passed.
Brass: Yeah? Groundbreaking.
Grissom: During the game a person dressed in a gorilla suit ran across the court. Afterward, the professor asked the students if they noticed the gorilla. Fifty percent responded, "what gorilla?"
Brass: That's wonderful, Gil. If I see a gorilla, I'll arrest it.
Catherine: Write this down: I haven't had sex in six - no, seven months.
Grissom: How can I help?
Greg: Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Swab one down, run it through CODIS, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.