What is your favorite CSI character?

:lol: Ok easy, all the hot guys. Of course my favorite charecter out of all of them was hard to pick, so I just radomly put one down, :confused: can't even remeber which one.

NICK ALL THE WAY! DANG! how can he not be the most loved person ever??? that bugs me!!!!!!!! Not only is his ass extrealy hot, but so is his texan sexan voice! (what ever sexan means, sounds hot) BUT GOD!!! why? any other csi LV fans should be saying the same thing!!! (sorry, im kinda grouch and tired, did 3 ALL NIGHTERS - IN A ROW! yawns* but im alive)
My fave? I have faves per show...

LV = Sara, Greg and Archie. Sophia's growing on me.

MIAMI = Ryan

NY = Danny!!!!!! Flack and Mac (hey, they rhyme!)
I like both Mac and Stella but could only pick one.

I don't watch Miami much, but I picked Grissom for LV.
In the original, my faves are Grissom and Catherine

CSI:Miami, the ensemble

CSI: Nick. He's what Tom Cruise wishes he was! :lol:

Miami: Horatio & Yelina. Yelina is just so underappreciated I had to give her the vote. :)

NY: Danny. He's a little self-diluted sometimes and angsty but I love him all the more for it. Lindsay was a real close second.

Overall, H comes in first. Hence my username.
Gil Grissom all the way...

I tried watching Miami and NY... Note the word "tried", they just never caught my attention. So, the original is still the best for me, and I like most of the cast.