What is your favorite CSI character?

omg mine has to be catherine...i love jer she is sooo smart and can really be a bitch sometimes!!!!!!i love and she is sooo pretty!
CSI:LV - It has to be Grissom, and I think Sara runs a close second
CSI:Miami - basically, the entire team but , in particular, Horatio, because of his many-sided personality
CSI-LV - Nick and Grissom
CSI-M - Don't watch it any more (because throwing things at the TV was giving me RSI <G>)
CSI-NY - Don and Mac.
Ok, well..
LV - (I found this one hard cause I just love them all to pieces :p) But drawn slightly more to Grissom and Sara

M - Horatio

NY (only seen the last 2 episodes :p) but going by them Flack
LV: i totally voted for greg he is like the best ever! i like him alot he is funny, nice, sweet, adorable, HOT!!

im not a real big fan of horatio so i watch it very little but when i do watch it i always look at ryan and eric but if i had to choose between both of them i chose eric

im not a real big fan of ny but when i watch it i like flack the most!

OVERALL:GREG is my altime favortie!!!!! nothing else in the world would ever make me change my mind
HoratioAndMe said:
CSI: Nick. He's what Tom Cruise wishes he was! :lol:

LOL! Tom Cruise couldn't touch Nick Stokes.

I picked Greg for my fav LV character, but I can't really say I have a favourite - I favour them all equally! I just like the different characters for their different personailities and roles.

I chose Ryan for Miami, but it's a toss up between him and Calleigh. The rest of the characters all equally annoy me.

And I've only seen one episode of New York.
LV: Sara
Miami: Tie between Calleigh and Ryan
NY: Aiden. And now she's dead: Lindsay. Yes I like them both.

Overall: One of the Miami ones...
my favs are horatio caine, nick, and danny...but all of the actor/actresses on all 3 shows are awesome!!!
CSI:LV- Warrick. He's pretty much the coolest cat around. He's also got some snark up his sleeve, which is good. And he's a good CSI, always a plus.

CSI:Miami- Calleigh or Horatio. Calleigh's always calm and collected. She's beautiful, and she handles her weapons wonderfully. Horatio's just the man.

CSI:NY- Don Flack Jr. Love him so much. He's got snark and he's always wavering the line between good cop/bad cop. He's also very pretty.