What is your favorite CSI character?

It's alright. ;) I thought you might have experienced a glitch and re-posted since the second post was nearly identical to the first, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. :)
This might be the 2nd time I've done this.

LV: Sara--she has been through hell and she has so much sympathy for people. She's brilliant and so dedicated.
Greg--he's funny and cute. What more do you want?
Nick--he's always been one of my favorites, but ever since the amazing episode of Gum Drops (George Eads is an amazing actor) and he shone through as a victim before. He cared about kids and victims like always--but that episode was so amazing!! It made me cry at the end and Nick is absolutely adorable.
Horatio--he cares about everyone, victims and kids and that's pretty amazing. He's in charge and does a damn good job.
Eric--because he is cute and cares for everyone around him. :)
Danny--He's passionate about this work and about those around him. Even though he grew up in a tough neighborhood and nifty background--he developed into a passionate, real and caring person
Lindsay--she puts her heart into her work and she is a fun character. She witnessed terrible things in her life and she still became a great person
Flack--his wit and sarcasm are funny, engaging and adorable.
This is a hard one
Miami - Ryan (Calleigh as a close 2nd)
Vegas - Gregg (Nick as a close 2nd)
NY - Mac (Stella as a close 2nd)
Well, from Vegas, I'd say Sara. She's the one I can relate to the most. Greg comes in second; he always makes me laugh. From Miami, I would have to say Tim Speedle, with his sarcasm and just his overall personality. Horatio comes in close second. And I don't watch New York, so I can't pick a favourite from there.
LV: gotta be greggo . . . hes hot, funny, caring, and intelligent . . . .what more could a girl want?!?!

as for miami and new york well i dont really watch them enough to pick a favourite :]
Hi all, first post ;)

Well since I only really watch Vegas (though I have started watching NY a little) I would say it's a tie between Nick and Grissom.

Grissom to me can at times display some traits that grate on me, lack of emotion/compassion (sometimes for colleagues that could really use it), arrogance and lack of leadership when needed. But having said all that I share most of those traits including his need for solitude at times :)

Nick I like for different reasons, his no nonsense approach, emotional involvement at times (shows passion for the job) and attitude....

Oh and of course Sara, just because she's hot :D

So there you go!
Grissom!!! He's such an original charactor theres no one like him. He's sexy(bring back the beard!), he's really intelligent, he's really funny at times, and he's just really strange, whats not to love??:D