what interest you the most in forensic science?

I enjoy the entire field ans I'm taking an online course in Forensics in The School of Legal Studies of PCDI online. Right now, I'm studying Serology and DNA.
My favorite area of forensic science is easily DNA. I love that you can take tiny samples from someone and after a whole lot of lab work, have a complete profile on that person. It's probably a good thing that I love it so much because I am training to be a DNA tech at my state crime lab.

I also love fingerprinting things! It looks so cool when you actually develop a print on a surface. The only downside to fingerprinting is that the powder gets absolutely everywhere and it is nearly impossible to get out!
Fingerprints, hands down. Love it, love it, love it. Just really fascinates me. I think it has something to do with the fact that no one, not even identical twins who shares the same DNA, has the same fingerprint. It's cool beyond words.
I have about a year left of my science degree, in Molecular Biology and Genetics, so I would say DNA is my life. I have done many genetics courses...definatly a complicated science! I want to work in forensics, but in Canada the violent crime rate is so low, there isn't many jobs. I also am interested in blood splatter analysis, and pathology.
Just received a book which deals with the specicity of serological reactions by Landsteiner. It's about yea thick. The appendix was written by Dr. Linus Pauling, himself. Highly scientific!
I have a question : you all seem interested in various tareas, but if you pursued a career in forensics, based on what you say, you would all become lab rats .. wouldn'it bother you to spend 24/7 in front of a microscope analysing stuff. I know that's my worry with firearm analysis. So I wondered if you were more interested in the "being a detective" part of forensics, in research, or in conducting the tests...