What do you hate?

I hate it when people eat with their mouths open, when parents talk in the middle of a scene of CSI(ok.. that's a given).. And when men leave up the toilet seats.. o__o; Sorry to break it to ya guys, but you need to STOP.
--people who are ignorant (stupid people)
--people who are rude and think that the world revolves around them
--childish people
--obnoxious people--my brother for instance. I don't hate him, but he makes me incredibly angry...He makes a lot of noise in an attempt to make our dog bark, he doesn't help, even when it's clear that you need help, and he thinks he knows absolutely every freaking thing that there is to know about living in the real world. On top of that, he's 36 years old and still lives with us, and likes to drive the point home that he knows what's going on with his citizenship papers.
--unreliable folks....
--people who don't know when to stop talking

ugg boots!! im sorry if you have them, but they are the most hideous things i have ever seen, and they do not look cute with a mini skirt!
i hate racists, sexists, when people talk hecka loud on their cellphones, annoying Jehovah Witnesses'(not all of), and arrogant attitudes even though i probably have attitude problems occasionally.
Ok.. I hate

-Little girls who think they're so cool cause they dress like s*uts
-People who change the channel when you're sitting right there watching TV
-People who are homophobic
-People who get mad at me for stupid reasons like I forgot their hoodie at my house
-People who eat with their mouths open
-Little kids who think they're cool cause they swear
-When you make plans and the person cancels on you and you keep remaking them but they keep canceling
-People who won't stop calling you after you tell them to go away
-Broken bones
-Little kids who think they're cool cause they own a cell phone (little kids obviously make me really mad)
-People who kid around about serious stuff
-My computer always freezing
-Where my locker is (it's near all those self centered b*tches)
-My roommate playing crappy music without headphones
-When you're listening to music and someone just assumes they have to yell cause they think your music is extremely loud
-Stalking the pharmacy at work (work in general merchandising in superstore)
-little kids who take toys off the shelves and throw them around so I have to put them all back up again
allmaple said:
ugg boots!! im sorry if you have them, but they are the most hideous things i have ever seen, and they do not look cute with a mini skirt!

I have the Wal-Mart rip-off ones with faux sherling lining, they're actually quite comfy! Very soft :)
man this is a looong list:

JD whiskey
snakebite (black)
emo people
teenagers (hanging around on the streets)
old men who bother teenage girls :mad:
hugh grant
moped/scooters (theyre ok if they used by old women in holland, but not if your driving up and down and up and down and up and down the same fudging road)
chavski fans
real madrid
female drivers (not intended to be seixst:) )
black drivers (not intended to be racist :) )
being awaken when im already asleep
late trains
reality tv shows
rip-off of other great tv shows
aggressive people
aggressive-fronted people
aggressively vocal people (example: i was eating my lunch at a shop.. a african <man> shouted at me to shut the door, i stop..look up to him. and do my slow arrogant-walk :D )
immature folk
ignorant racism
being lazy
people who talk fast
people who talk too much
people who make assumptions
supplements in newspapers/magazines
irish travellers
soppy love movies
hugh grant :p
...theres more

Normally I don't do 'hate' and stuff, because it's so.. blegh.. I hate hatred.. But at this moment I hate the fact that me and my girl live 3 hours apart from each other. :(

Oh and I'd like to say that I HATE Robbie Williams, but since I think the word 'hate' is so horrible.. I'll use the word DISLIKE :)
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Normally I don't do 'hate' and stuff, because it's so.. blegh.. I hate hatred.. But at this moment I hate the fact that me and my girl live 3 hours apart from each other. :(

Oh and I'd like to say that I HATE Robbie Williams, but since I think the word 'hate' is so horrible.. I'll use the word DISLIKE :)
you got a daughter?!
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Dude.. my girl.. uhm.. you didn't know I was bi??? my girl.. - friend :p.. awwww

Ohhhh I got one.. a really HATE thing.. I hate homophobes!!! :D
i knew that ;)
..thats the reason for my flirting :lol:

i hate the french! for their rioting.. they riot about alooot of stuff :p
Ouh gosh. A hate thread? Hmm, there's only one 'thing' I hate[and I'm using this word cos I really do feel that way!!]. And that would be this person who is just over-the-top and over-reacts about everything and anything and because of that, it's just plain and simple why I hate..nono...detest this person!!
Note: To avoid any misunderstanding, I would make it clear that the person I speak of is not someone on this website or any other website for that matter because this person dosen't like websites so I've heard! :mad:

And I don't like roaches. They are just so disgusting.