What do you hate?

The word hate is such a strong term but I 'hate' people who judge other people based on their skin colour or sexual preferance. I also can't stand overly religious people who tell other people how to live their life.
And lastly, I severly dislike James van der Beek. I still think he should be punished for giving the world Dawson Leery :)
I hate when people com in up to you when your watching tv and start teling you a story that they know you don't care about.
I hate little kids who refuse to listen, ever.
I hate when my guitar string breaks.
I hate the phrase "turn that frown upside down".

There's definetly alot more than that, but i just can't think of them.
i hate moths and butterflies and flying insect things *freaks out at the thought*

i hate cockroaches

i hate loud and noisy eaters... that crunch and slurp excessivly... makes me wanna throw my knife at them.

and... thats about it for now...
ooh here goes I hate.....

- bread
- people that eat with their mouths open
- the battery in my mobile/cell phone
- the westlife boards when they go too slow
- my hair
- people that assume that because I'm blonde I must be dumb
- people that say I can't drive because I'm a woman
- people that talk when a program is on and be quiet ib the break
- anyone that has to channel hop in a break,

There are more I just can't think of any more right now
Ok when I say hate I really mean seriously dislike.

I hate:-

Lizards(as I type I thought I saw one lurking...)
Drivers who tailgate vehicles in front of them.
Eating fish
Ignorant people who happen to have a lot of money and power and think they're so smart.
Men who don't 'aim' properly in the toilet.
Stinky feet.
When my computer breaks down.
When I need to take a photo and my camera battery runs flat.
Ungrateful people who abandon their old folks.
Self-effacing people.(To me, this is subtle manipulation)
Manipulative people.
Narrow-minded people.
Arrogant & egoistic people who think everyone admires them.
People who sneeze loudly with saliva spraying everywhere. Ewww!!!
Yeah noisy eaters too.
HACKERS who've nothing better to do than invade people's privacy!!!
Procrastinating (but I'm doing it all the time! Hate myself procrastinating)

Oh there're so many more I'm sure. Will add later.
I hate whoever decided that the german course wasn't going to run next year because now I have to change schools and I find it really really hard to make friends an fit in.
I cant believe how many things you all hate its amazing
Ill ad to my hate list:

people who are racist
people who are sexist (what just because i gat o vagina im no good or cant do that)
feet and toes (they freak me out)
dentists (glad theres nothing wrong whith my teeth)
people who try to scam you
telemarketers(I sing to them, so funny they get annoyed)

This list is going to get longer every day
Laskari said:
I know this is weird but I hate when someone licks a towel :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Lick a towel :confused: Why would you wanna lick a towel in the first place? Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of my day thinking about that :lol: I hate it when that happens!
Ooh, I don't like emo either. I dated this really emo guy once, if I even so much as :rolleyes: around him he'd freak out and ask me why I was so angry with him.

Yeah, once again: :rolleyes:
i hate green beans (the devils food)
i hate chav's
i hate people who give England a bad name
i hate george bush (sorry to those who like him) and the fact he seems to run the world
i hate the fact we have to wait for csi so long after america gets it.
i hate jay leno when he takes the piss out of england, (bad teeth, bad food, its not true!)
i hate arrogant people
i hate racism
i hate feet they are disgusting lol i am yet to meet someone with nice feet, although kelly clarksons look ok lol
i hate sexist people
errrm im sure i can think of some more...
Wow... hate? That's a strong word isn't it? I usually use the term "extreme dislike" or "Arrrghh!". But hate's fine. ;)

Well, I hate disappointment. I don't normally trust anyone 100% because they can disappoint me at any time. And I hate disappointing people. Nothing hurts more than when someone you care about says "You disappoint me" to your face.