What Books Are You Reading?-#3

I've been reading Frostbitten by Kelley Armstrong. It's about werewolves... and I guess it makes more sense if you've read the other 3 books about them as well. It's a series of, I think, 13 books, but I haven't read all of them.
"Under the Dome" by Stephen King

What can I say but... yup, I'm reading it because I'm watching it. :lol: I always have liked to read the book when I watch something that is based off a book. I'm only on pg 255 of 1072 so I've got a ways to go. So far there are some differences in the characters between the book and the show, and the situations they're going through are a little different between the two. But the tv show seems to be generally following the book. :thumbsup:

I will say that so far this doesn't seem like your typical Stephen King book. But I will admit that the only King books I've read are Cujo and Pet Cemetary. (Not a big fan of Stephen King. :shifty: )

(Just finished)
"Star Wars Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side" by Daniel Wallace

Basically a history of the Dark Side. It's about the Sith, Darth's, and Nightsisters, their battles, planets, weapons, and animals. It's supposed to be sorta like pieces of their own writings so it's written in different fonts one of which is a rather ornate script that was a little hard to read. Other than that if you've kept up with the books and movies you've probably at least heard reference to most of it.

(About to start)
"Brick by Brick" by David C. Robertson and Bill Breen

"How Lego rewrote the rules of innovation and conquered the global toy industry." I may be in my 40's but I probably still own at least 95% of the Lego I received as a kid (Lego City, Space, Star Wars, & Expert Builder Sets). Just can't seem to give it up. :lol:

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"The Mayan Secrets" by Clive Cussler & Thomas Perry

Sam and Remi Fargo are providing aid in Mexico after an earthquake. While bringing aid to some small, inaccessible villages on the side of what is an active volcano (brought to life by the earthquake!) they discover an old tomb. There's a mummafied body and some old - 1500's - pottery. Someone leaks the story to the local Mexican newspapers and, of course, the bad guys come after the Fargo's. Once they get home the find out why the bad guys are after them - the hunk of pottery they brought out with them had a Mayan Codex in it.

"Death Match" by Lincoln Child

Dr. Christopher Lash, an ex FBI forensic psychologist, is looking into the double suicide deaths of Lewis and Lindsay Thorpe for Eden Incorporated. Eden Incorporated is a high tech matchmaking company. Lewis and Lindsay Thorpe are what they refer to as as "super couple" - perfect for eachother in every way and their psychological profile says that suicide would never be an option for either one of them. After a second "super couple" commits double suicide Dr. Lash starts to think that they may actually be homicides and gets himself full access to the inner labyrinth of Eden Incorporated to find out exactly how they deliver on their promise to find and pair up each person with their perfect mate and to find out why the "super couples" are dying.

"Dark City" by F. Paul Wilson

It's book 2 of the "Repairman Jack: The Early Years" series which I've now learned from the acknowledgements is going to be a trilogy. :)

Jack shows his abilities to take the fight to the bad guys instead of sitting back and waiting for them to come to him. He has his little battle going on with the Mob who don't even know its Jack they're up against. And then there's a bigger one with the bad guys from "Cold City" (they import and sell young girls) who directly lead back to the big baddy, Drexler, who we get really involved with later on in the "Repairman Jack" series.

"Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration" by Buzz Aldrin and David Leonard

He talks a little about Apollo 11 and landing/walking on the moon. Also talks about how they all 3 expected by be around 50 years later celebrating the 50th anniversary of their moon landing and were suprised by Neil Armstrong's death. But mostly it's about how we (the US) shouldn't fund a trip back to the moon with taxpayer money - a been there done that type of thing - we barter with our experience and knowledge to go back to the moon and use it to experiment and build equipment for going to Mars and it's moons. The US should work on putting a permanent human presence on Mars.

"Zero Hour" by Clive Cussler and Graham Brown

Kurt Austin is "vacationing" in Australia and while attending a conference that he doesn't really want to be at he steps outside the Sydney Opera House right as a helicopter starts shooting at a small boat. He of course, gets himself and Joe Zavala involved with ASIO (Australia's national security services) and searching for Max Thero and his son George who using Nikola Tesla's plans have developed a generator that uses 'zero point energy' (energy that is contained in all matter and limitless) and are threatening to use it to break Australia in half along plate lines and then use it against Russia and the U.S.



Jacquie, you stickyed my book thread. :bolian:

"Gone" by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

NYPD Detective Michael Bennett, his 10 kids, nanny Mary Catherine, and father-in-law Seamus are all in FBI protective custody somewhere in California because drug lord Manuel Perrine has put a price on their heads. Michael Bennett is the one responsible for catching Perrine who then managed to escape from the courthouse and disappear. Perrine started killing drug lords who had started taking over his business and then informants for both the Mexican and US governments. The FBI pulls Bennett out of hiding with his family hoping that since he caught Perrine once he could do it again. Soon enough Perrine e-mails a video to the LAPD task force in which he says that he's going to do what the Mexican government doesn't have the guts to do and declairs war on the US to fight for California to be returned to Mexico.

Like all Patterson books this one goes fast!

"Homeland" by Cory Doctorow

This is the sequel to "Little Brother" which was an excellent book and so far this one is just as good. :)

Marcus's nemesis from "Little Brother" (or at least 1 of them), Masha, gives him a flash drive telling him that if anything happens to her or Zeb to release what's on it. He then watches her get kidnapped by the same government agents that kidnapped him in "Little Brother". He and his friends put the contents of the flash drive on Darknet to see what it is exactly that they got and while they're looking at the over 800,000 files a couple get released - someone infected Marcus's laptop. They have these files and want Marcus to release them all like Masha told him to. However after finding this out Marcus gets kidnapped by the government who don't want these files released. After the government agents let Marcus go he goes to his friends and they decide that they're going to release the files and how to do it. Marcus is now in a race to get files out there and stay out of the hands of the government.

"Night Probe" by Clive Cussler

An old "Dirk Pitt" novel. Dirk and the gang have to find a treaty that supposidly signed over ownership of Canada to the United States by either salvaging a copy of the treaty that went down in the Hudson or down on a train in the St. Lawerence River. :thumbsup: Sometimes I just like to read the old ones again.

"The Death Trade" by Jack Higgins

Gotta love some new Higgins. Dillon, Ferguson, Roper, Sara Gideon, and the rest of the gang. :) An Iranian scientist best known for his medical isotope research has been forced to transfer his breakthroughs into nuclear weapons research. If he runs his family dies. Dillon, Ferguson and all have been charged with coming up with a plan to convince him to defect. As is usual with this group there are problems, the biggest of which is al-Qaeda, who want their hands on the same subject as well as want to kill Dillon and Sara.

I'll read just about anything! :lol:

"Famous Robots & Cyborgs" by Dan Roberts

It is an "Encyclopedia of Robots from TV, Film, Literature, Comics, Toys, and More". It goes back to as early as 2000BC (yes, BC as in Before Christ!) and the Egyptians making "mechanized toys". It gives the definitions of "robots" and "cyborgs" and the differences between them. And it at least mentions Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics". It was fairly extensive going back to an 1817 book "The Sandman" and the robot Olympia. The first ones they gave that I've read about or seen were Robot Maria from "Metropolis" (1927 movie), The Tin Man from "Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (1939 movie), and R. Daneel Olivaw from Asimov's "Caves of Steel" (& the rest of that series of books).

It was fairly extensive even though it didn't give Darth Vader who is classic for their definition of cyborg. They also didn't include Callister Raynes from the "Eureka" episode "Right as Raynes" - even though he only appeared in 1 episode and isn't really as notable as other "Robots" for that reason you'd think they'd pay closer attention to what aired on the SciFi channel with a book like this.

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