What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i'm reading - wait for it - experimental and methodological articles on the phonological, lexical & semantic retrieval capacities of aphasic patients. i have to write an essay on it. it's due 11th jan, i'm in chicago from 29th dec til 7th jan. EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!

naturally it would be helpful if i could understand a damn thing of these reports....
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^Wow, sounds really exciting :lol:
Ugh, hate to say it but I think I'm going to have to leave 'The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest', I'm really struggling with it, 130 pages in, with the other two it was the other way round, was tempted to give up after the first 30 pages but by the time I got past 100 I just couldn't put it down. Maybe I'll let my mum have it and go back to it in a few months. It seems to be turning into this conspiracy/spy thriller type thing which isn't a genre I'm really into at all. There were conspiracy/spy elements in the first two but they were minor really, taken over by the crime aspect. Oh well. The thing is so bloody huge as well, which I wouldn't mind but nothing is happening at the moment that makes me want to keep reading, whereas with the other two, when there was the very odd 'boring'/ detailed bit there were other ongoing aspects of the plot that made me want to read through those very rare parts to find out what would happen, that just isn't the case here.

The Val McDermid is very good though, 2 more teenagers have disappeared and the killer seems to be moving around the country a bit, so creepy! Especially with the whole online aspect which has been in the news in RL so often lately.
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Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Just finished kathy Reich's newest Bones book...
now I am reading CSI Shock Treatment. Only read the first chapter though, 8 month old is keeping me busy :)
Seems like a good book already though
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Two things going at once:

1) Star Wars Trilogy, which is the novelization of the original Star Wars movies. (Specifically reading Empire Strikes Back)
2) X-Wing Series #1: Rogue Squadron

Can ya tell what I'm a fan of? Lol.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Two things going at once:

1) Star Wars Trilogy, which is the novelization of the original Star Wars movies. (Specifically reading Empire Strikes Back)
2) X-Wing Series #1: Rogue Squadron

Can ya tell what I'm a fan of? Lol.

All excellent books! I too am a huge Star Wars fan! :)

For those of us who are Star Wars fans, I highly recommend the Republic Commando books. They delve into the lives of the clone troops and their upbringing. Really shows that even though they are clones, they develop into their own people, and they truly are people in their own right.

I just started Cross Fire, the newest Alex Cross book by James Patterson!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I am currently reading Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis. I know it's old, and it's been on my bookshelf since it came out. :lol: I tend to do that with his books tho...buy them right away and read them a few years later. But I have every single one of them...most of them read. :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"The Audacity Of Hope" by our president, Barack Obama. What a brilliant man. [I got it for Christmas]:thumbsup:so far really fascinating!
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

'All Quiet on the Western Front' by Erich Marie Remarque. It's a short novel set in WW1 and is the story of a young German soldier and his friends and their experiences in the war. I'm only up to chapter 4 but I am enjoying it so far.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

'All Quiet on the Western Front' by Erich Marie Remarque. It's a short novel set in WW1 and is the story of a young German soldier and his friends and their experiences in the war. I'm only up to chapter 4 but I am enjoying it so far.

one of my favourite books of all time :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

'Band of Brothers' by Stephen E Ambrose.

It's about soldiers in the 101st Airborne Divison in WW2. Pretty good so far.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"City Of Night" - John Rechy - one of the best books I've ever read by one of American most original author of the last century, it is amazing, a must read.

Also read "Soloman's Oak" - Jo-Ann Mapson, another amazing must read story. From a classic writer who if you haven't discover yet, will surprise you with her ability to touch your heart and soul.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"the jungle" by upton sinclair. it's about the meat packing industry in chicago in the late 19th cent, very grapes of wrath ish (although it predates it), it's mainly about how the working poor were exploited by industry. it's great but pretty depressing...

oh yeah and still neurolinguistic stuff :S