What are your addictions?

i am really obsessed with vanilla, nut and honey tea! i drink heaps of it and then get depressed when it runs out!
I just got addicted to chewing gum. Trident White, actaully. It's so bad for my health, cus it contains aspartame. :lol: But I CANT STOP!!
*laughs* oh I'm a Sarcasm QUEEN but I wouldnt really call it a addiction Just a outlet
SaraSidleStokes - nah its an addiction in me, I have a notebook full of sarcastic quotes that I have either said or heard from others. Its very unhealthy :lol:
madgeorge - i love you. I was addicted to Oprah too. And yes I am addicted to Jorja Fox.

I'm glad to know others share my love for cereal, its okay that you eat it at 2 am... i do the same. I often skip lunch and dinner and go for my bowls of cereal instead. I swear to you, every other day we buy a jumbo box of corn flakes. I never stop putting cereal in the bowl until the milk is evaporated entirely :lol:

I'm addicted to pain.
Editted cuz well....Hollis mentioned Aspartame... my heart grew weak :lol:
I think thats why ALOT of people call me a WELL You know *smirks* (witch take away the W and add a B *smirks*) because they mistake my sarcasm for me just being Rude which is SOOO not the case
Oh man I forgot PEPSI :lol:

Oh and sarcasm isn't really an addiction for me....more like a personality trait :lol: I love sarcasm ;)
Oh man I forgot PEPSI :lol:

Oh and sarcasm isn't really an addiction for me....more like a personality trait :lol: I love sarcasm ;)
lmao im with ya geni...pepsi, heeled boots, calleigh, emily, speed, csi miami, computer, sleep....oh yeah.
You mean the ones where you pull down cheese and in the end it looks like it is hair with many cheese stands thats been pulled down? I LOVE THOSE!

OMG. I <3 those. Especially the double cheese ones. :D
Hmmm I don't know let me think:

1. Nicky/George Eads
2. CSI
3. Heart's fanfics I can't stop reading them
Hmmm did I mention Nicky/George Eads. LOL