What are your addictions?

I'm Addicted to those little Swedish Berries. It's kinda getting to a point where I twitch if I see one...

And of course, coffee made from stores because even though their expensive, they taste soooo much better...
nutella, i eat in on toast almost every morning. its gotten to the point where i have more nutella than bread. but at least im not so far gone that i eat it out of the jar with a spoon
Yes, exactly like Starbucks. And Second Cup. And the wacky trainstation coffee house that makes the best frozen lattes... mmm...

I think it's because it's mass-produced that makes it enjoyable :D
Well I think I found a loophole as to not mention anything CSI related as an obsession :lol: RORY COCHRANE!! haha he's not on CSI:Miami anymore I WIN! :lol: Sorry it was a low blow but it's true ;)


The Who
Every kid in my school wearing a dress shirt
Pot of Gold chocolates....mmmmm
my latest addictions are:
chai tea
kettle corn popcorn
a cinderella story-i watch that so much now.
chicken noodle soup

i've had chicken noodle soup the past 4 days for lunch now. i seriuosly can't get enough of that stuff. :lol:
Music - my sanctuary
Cereal <-- i have atleast 9 bowls a day.
Ice cream (back in NY i would go out during a snow storm to get ice cream from the grocery down the block)
Sarcasm ... like this : "of course i care... and this is my 'i care' face *falls asleep* "
Music - my sanctuary
Cereal <-- i have atleast 9 bowls a day.
Ice cream (back in NY i would go out during a snow storm to get ice cream from the grocery down the block)
Sarcasm ... like this : "of course i care... and this is my 'i care' face *falls asleep* "
*laughs* oh I'm a Sarcasm QUEEN but I wouldnt really call it a addiction Just a outlet
COKE! Total addiction. Have any of you seen the new commerical with the penguins and polar bears? So. Cute.
Coffee: The thought of how unhealthy it is for kids just makes me drool.

Coffee+Coca Cola infused: TOTAL ADDICTION. Hasn't come out yet, but it sounds SO GOOD. Going to be called Coca Cola Black. Oohh.
Cereal <-- i have atleast 9 bowls a day.

Hahaha I used to be like that. It always had to be Frosted Flakes.

me too! except with cheerios & reeses puffs. and i would only eat it at like 2am and like 4pm. never at breakfast time for some reason. :confused:

here's a few more:
christmas music
my scarf
colouring books- i spent liek 2 hours today colouring. i feel like i'm 4 years old. :p