What are your addictions?

Dana_Crimson said:
Besides CSI, what are your addictions?
Any crazy ones?
Mine is currently instant hot chocolate.
It's really bad, I almost don't drink anything else anymore.

My "obsession without limits" would be the movie, Manhunter. I watch it, over and over, between the CSI seasons....

Then again, I am always watching it. :devil:
CSIfamily said:
Yes Daughtry as well!! I am going with my girls, I do not know who is more excited..I am such an embarassing mama ;)

Well, I am going with my sister, She wants to see Daughtry. I know I am way more excited! I can't wait until July!! :D
Okies lets just make a list. This might get long because I am kinda bored.

TTB-Tattered,Torn and Broken-a great site for people who suffer from self-injury, eating disorders etc. If you ever need a good, friendly support group, check it out.
RENT-Thank you Jonathan Larson
Wicked-cuz of Idina Menzel
Idina Menzel-When I hear her sing I get goosebumps
Anthony Rapp-great voice!
Star Trek (all series)
Great Pyrenees-the breed I want to show and breed someday
Slash fanfiction
Red Bull
Angsty fanfiction
Ellen DeGeneres show *sp*
Boston Legal
The 10th Kingdom-book only
Tom Hanks-he's amazing
Three Days Grace

okay I'm done because I'm grasping at straws now
CSI: MIAMI!!!!!!!
Rory Cochrane
Jonathan Togo
Adam Rodriguez
Orlando Bloom
Johnny Depp
Harry Potter
Pirates of the Caribbean
Lord of the Rings
oh yeah and did i meantion CSI: MIAMI?!?!?!?!?
I am addicted to:

- Sandle
- Greg Sanders
- Sara Sidle
- Ice cream
- French Fries
- Chocolate Syrup
- Fruit Shake
- And to the Korean Drama Series, Full House :D
Golfish (the crackers not the live ones :lol: )
For those of you who have no idea what im talking about, read the following: they are tiny cheese cracker shape like goldfish and they have little smiles, and they are so good! And Also i am in love with Smoothies from Orange Julious!
here are a few things that are constant companions... :p

-COFFEE :lol: coffeecoffeecoffeeeeeeeeee
-music (playing, listening, concerts, mash ups, graphics)
-video games
-NHL hockey, World Jr. Hocky, rugby, football(soccer)
-salty snack foods
-certain internet forums...
-certain tv shows....
-art and gadgets (I'm a props maker and scenic painter)

If I had more money I know I would be addicted to
-collecting, and making various stringed musical instruments
-upgrading my Computer
(I'd be tinkering with my machine like other people work on restoring old cars...:lol:)

:D :D :D
Haha AshleyWillows i have a friend that like always wears plaid shorts, she has so many pairs! And haha i love french fries!

So here are some more from me... hmm what could i not live without....

-Lip gloss, i dont leave my room or the bathroom or the house without more lip gloss.
-Money, i freak out if i have no money.
-Tetris, once i play i cant stop!
-The computer.
-i often become obsessed with a song for a while and then i listen to it until i like hate it.
lol Depth-Of-Love those are like most of my addictions!
-Snapple Rasberry Peach
-Lip Gloss with flavor
-E/C :D
-I can buy up to 5 lip glosses at one time just to make sure that I have enough!
-Curling mousse cause if i can't blow dry my hair then i could just curl it :D
- Johnny Depp
- Starbucks Coffee (fraps and coffee mostly)
- Converse high tops
- Harry Potter
- sock monkeys
- penguins
- french fries and dipable cheese
- Diet Coke