What are you wearing right now???

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tight black pants, long sleeved red and black shirt with my footy jumper over the top (just came back from the footy, we lost :( ) and socks :p
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I'm wearing a frown.. I've got tummy-ache.. *turns to all the men* YES! It's that time of the month again! :mad:
notice how all women's problems begin with men...

MENstral pains

(there are more but i cant remember them rofl)
lol indeed... and now back onto the thread lol.

just got changed into trackies that are way too big for me (dyl's) but warm :D, and a long sleaved paul frank flannellete (sp?) PJ top, and dyl's black hoodie, and my bright yellow chicken feet slippers :p
a yellow tank top and a pair of light blue pj pants with dogs on a sleds. Yeah there my christmas pants but I wear them all the time. lol.
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