What are you wearing right now???

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school uniform...
which is odd, considering, for me, school finished 7 hours ago...bleh, i couldn't be bothered getting changed when i got home...
Gray sweats, toe socks, gray tee w/ BMX in yellow, two rings, and black nail polish (sp) I just got up and am going to go lay back down now that everyone has gone to work and school!
blue trackies. one white nike sock with a light blue tick, one black adidas sock with the sign in pink. bright yellow fluffy chicken feet slippers (i luv them) grey singlet top, black polo top.
Jeans and light yellow t-shirt where reads "IAAF World Championships in Athletics" and all cities where this event has been. And on the neck reads "IAAF World Championships in Athletics in Helsinki
Aug [insert dates here] 2005"
pajama pants - and for some reason - a collar shirt with a sweater over it. very classy. oh, for the love of God what the hell am i wearinggg
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