What are you reading?

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American Heart Association for Healthcare Providers.

As Greg Sanders once said "Choice".

The last book I read was Last Man Standing. It was about a fireman during the World Trade Center attacks.
Just randomly chose a book out of the bookshop yesterday, its called 'Sticky Fingers' by Niki Burnham. I read 6 chapters last night, and so far its... okay.
Geert Hofstede's Cultures and organizations, software of the mind. It's actually a case-study. I have to write a paper about this.. well I don't have to, but I want to :D For the people who are interested in how cultures work, I highly recommend it.. it's so interesting!
Ummm... I can't remember the author, but its a book called "Blowfly" (I believe...) and its got the character (forensic pathologist) Kay Scarpetta in it.

Good book.

(I've just got a bad memory... :))

Patricia Cornwell! She's a fastastic author! :D Her next twp books are really good! ;) Trace and Predator, I think it is.

Now that I've finished my lengthy book which was 700 hundred pages but finished it in one week and half. :D Quite chuffed with that, means I got more time to read my other books before I send it back to the library! :D so now I'm reading the Lair by James Herbert!
I'm reading "Howl's Moving Castle" and my best friend is reading, like, my all time favorite book "Things Not Seen".
I'm reading "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal" its good so far.... I hope it makes me want to quit eating fast food :lol: And in english we're reading O Pioneers! by Willa Cather. Its ok.
Geert Hofstede's Cultures and organizations, software of the mind. It's actually a case-study. I have to write a paper about this.. well I don't have to, but I want to :D For the people who are interested in how cultures work, I highly recommend it.. it's so interesting!
^ When I first read the name you mentioned I was like: "Why does Hofstede sound soooo familiar?". Then 2 minutes later I realised that I've studied his cultural dimensions before! :lol: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Masculinity and Individualism. You're right, it is an interesting study. :)

I'm currently reading past copies of Reader's Digest. I need to find some useful info for my assignments.
uhm currently, I'm reading The Notebook. I saw the movie, and i just loved it!! When I saw the book this morning at th library, I was so happy!!
I'm currently reading the newest book out of the Gossip Girl series. I can't remember the name of the book but I definitely recommend the series to all you girls out there!
Oh! I love the Gossip Girl series! I have only read about the first 2, because my library hasn't gotten the rest in. But they are great books :D
...You read books, Ditto!?

I'm shocked. :eek: :p Still reading the Lair. It's a great book right after Domain! :D
Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door by Lynne Truss. She is my hero (heroine?) for dealing with two topics that regularly send me on tangents: punctuation and manners.
I'm late in the game, but I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code." Awesome!

I'm also reading, "Raunch Culture-The Female Chauvanist Pig"-basically an analysis of the "Girls Gone Wild" culture..should be interesting..
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