Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

have fun and glad your here:bolian:
Hi, i'm Sharky Bu.
i'm from the far away place that is israel, so you'll have to forgive my many spelling mistakes. :cool:
i have been around for about a month, but i'm trying to finish my degree this year (B.A in archaeology), so i dont have time to write much. hopefully that will change soon.
just to prove that i'm a bit of a fanatic, i got tired waiting for israel to be up to speed with the seasons (we only started season 9, 6 month ago), that i started on my own to watch the all series from the beginning, and it took me less then two month to watch all 11th seasons.
i'm a vegas fan, i can watch new york, but i can't stand miami.
my favs on the show are nick and greg :drool:, and my fav episodes (as cruel as it sounds) are grave danger, stalker and fannysmacking.
i espicelly like grave danger, which is funny since i'm claustrophobic ,and i think that george edas is amazing in that one.
Welcome to the Las Vegas forum, sharkybu! I'm especially always happy to welcome a fellow Nick fan. ;) Make yourself at home and have fun! :)