Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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hey fellow CSI lvrs. i am MZA (mizza). i've been a CSI fan since about the 5th season. introduced to the show by my mother, i quickly grew to admire grissom and his acute attention to detail. having seen every episode, i think i can finally say i am a bigger fan then she is. maybe i can get her to register and join in the forum convos. i look forward to participating... this is the first forum that i've actually joined with purpose to remain up to date with. well, that is all for now. cya!
Hi,everyone. I am addicted to this amazing play about two month ago. "Crime Scene Investigation", it is exciting and interesting for all our fans.
By the way, I am from China, and now I am colleage student.
Welcome to everyone have fun and there is a "Help Guide" In this forum to help you adjust easier it gives you all the tips, links and such so its not overwhelming we urge EVERYONE to read it. There are also free soft drinks and food by the door enjoy. :)
Oops, missed this intro section, sorry!

Been a CSI-er from the beginning, off-n-on. Some of the gore gets to me so I stop watching for awhile then go back. I enjoy the science of breaking down the anatomy of the crime(s) but not the breaking, ripping, tearing off of actual anatomy.

Characters: I like that Grissom is more a scientific, lab-oriented criminologist than a gun-totin' crimefighter, rather along the line of Gary Cooper in 'High Noon' or Gregory Peck in To 'Kill A Mockingbird'. I think that is some of his appeal to women; then there is his intensely private life very few get to see but is boiling just below the surface.

Nick is a lovable guy, having to be tough when sometimes he just wants to cry like a little boy.

I like the way Warrick has matured, calmed down since the first year; I didn't like him then really.

Greg seems likeable enough, when around, kind of like a puppy just wanting love from his owner and trying his best but sometimes tripping over himself.

Catherine and Sarah always appear to have some friction between them as if rivals of some sort. I believe Catherine is a friend to Grissom and Sarah might perceive that as a threat, however unintentional. I think Grissom and Catherine are both mature enough to realize that platonic love can exist between men and women but Sarah may feel insecure in such a concept being younger.

I like the recurring role of Lady Heather and wonder why Grissom isn't more "hot" for her, but that is just me.

Sofia reminds me of Lady Heather in drag and I could see heat between her and Grissom as well for some reason.

Hi! (Waves hand)

Greetings from Mexico.

I've been watching all CSI's not exactky from the beginning, since down here we're always behind when it comes to seasons, but I've loved the show since day one.

My favourite character has always been Nick (where can I find a real-life clone?) and as of lately I've been writing Nick/Sofia stories... those two just seem to fit together somehow...

Hello! this is my first day to this forum...I am not sure how many people actually read this section/thread. But I will introduce my self anyway! I am Caitlin I live in Canada.
Obviously I am a CSI fan, my favourite characters are Greg Sara and Doc Robbins! my one and only pairing is Greg/Sara. I am so anti-GSR(don't hate me GSR fans!) I don't hate any of the other pairings...I just don't like them if that makes any sense, for example I don't mind videos or fanfics on them...
well that's all for now!
Hello everyone. Kristina K brings you greetings from Croatia. Looks like there's a lot of fun going around here. Looking forward to earning my 'avatar rights' soon. :) Cheers!
Welcome to the nut house, jorjas_tght1. There are virtual snacks on the table by the door.

I aiint got a clue as to wht Im supposed 2 do
That is why the moderator put up a help guide thread tacked up near the top of the thread list in this forum section of the board. There is a link at the top of each page for the FAQ (Frequently asked Questions). Also, read the descriptions of each forum so you might go to the areas of the board you might be interested in.

Since you managed to post in the welcome thread, you already got a good start. Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
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