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NikkyJamez said:
pinkpotatopie, I can't recall Greg getting caught reading Porn. In the episode Stalker, Nick catches him reading the magazine Teen which had a picture of Pink on the front.
Hey, I know this is a bit out of topic, but it's just a one time thing, does anyone have any caps of him with the magazine?
And I am sorry, but I can't help you any more, either.

Well, I just hope every new member is enjoying their time in this board ;)
ok soo um..
HI, i'm Shannon, 14, from Maryland and I absolutely LOVE CSI! :) I have followed (or at least tried to follow) the show from season 1; but i have not misssed an episode in the past 2 seasons and I like where the story is! My Favorite character would have to be Sara(GRS forever! ;)) but I love all the characters as well!! I try to pick up the other crime shows on tv such as the other 2 CSIs but the only one that seems to capture my heart is the original!! Soo... Yeaa! -Shannon :p
Hi everyone. My name is Lee. I'm a 43 year old, SAHM of 3 boys, 2 of them have Autism. I live Ontario, Canada.

I've been a CSI-Vegas fan since the beginning, but have only recently started lurking at various CSI boards.

My absolute favourite character is Gil Grissom. I think that Billy Petersen does an amazing job, bringing him to life.

I'm looking forward to joining in and getting to know everyone here.
well let me start by saying GSR is the reason i became OCD abotu ACSI int he first place so Im here to shar the love of my favorite ship and my 3 favorite CSI men Grissom Nick adn Bobby

I used ot watch CSI on occasion with my mom until i seen a few eppisodes that had nice GSR stuff in then I was hooked.. been OCD about CSI for a about half a year or so now..

Grissom is my first favorite (hes in the doghouse this week for being mean to sara) Nick adn Bobby are tied in a rteally clsoe second.. actually those 4 are my fav's anyway yea

Im 21 live in central WI and I babble about GSR to anyoen who has seen the show or will listen.. (Im also a Rogan Xmen movie freak (1st shipper pairing love)

Im attempting to pick up my GSR fic again but Im stone walled at the moment..

hope to meet more bobby GSR and Nick fans on here..
A very warm welcome to IRMiniKiller, corpsegirl, Kitty77, Gregs_Angel, Southern_CSI, Elwood21, pinkpotatopie, Messer4eva, missy_lissa, Shanna_Banana, gilsgal and 19ashe86 !!

I wish you much fun around the forum.

See you around! :)

(wow..that's a welcome...I was kinda bored^^ :D )
I'm nearly 23 and a psychology student from Germany. I've first seen a CSI episode a few months ago. It all started with a friend of mine, who likes mainly the same shows than I do. We don't differ on many shows, but she had never seen House M.D. and I had never seen CSI. So she brought the first two boxes of CSI DVDs with her when she came for a visit and I borrowed her my House season 1 box. I started watching the episodes and for some reason I loved Sara from the beginning. Soon I started liking Grissom more and more,too. These two are so adorable geeky and I soon started shipping them. So, I asked my friend to borrow me the other DVD boxes, too and two weeks later I had seen all episodes up to season 6.1. Now they started showing reruns of CSI in Germany, although they haven't shown season 6 completely yet. :mad: So, I came here, to read spoilers for season 6 and 7 to stay up tp date about my favourite geeks.
Welcome Sarina! *waves*

I'm also from germany. So... Wie geht's? :D

Sarina said:
Now they started showing reruns of CSI in Germany, although they haven't shown season 6 completely yet. :mad:

You're not the only one who is really ****** off by that. :)

So, I came here, to read spoilers for season 6 and 7 to stay up tp date about my favourite geeks.

That's also a reason why I came here. The fellows from US are so far with the seasons. ^^ :)

So..have fun and hope to see you around! :)
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