Welcome to the Forensic Science Thread!

Yeah, I'm still breathing :lol:

The thing is, now I've started my final year of my Biology degree, I can't face talking about science even more in this forum when I get home :lol: I'm surrounded by science these days - I can't escape it :( hopefully one day soon I will bring myself to write the 7th DNA lesson :D

Boy wibble I know exactly how you feel, too much of one study can burn you out. I went through that myself.
But I look forward to reading lesson #7 when you get to it. ;)
*rubs eyes* Hey wibble , where've you been? I was about to file a missing person's report. ;)

:eek: Are you trying to steal wibble from me? :eek:
Poor thing got locked behind Misc door, don't know who did it tho *whistles*
:eek: Are you trying to steal wibble from me? :eek:
Poor thing got locked behind Misc door, don't know who did it tho *whistles*

No, I don't want to steal Wibble, just suck the knowledge of DNA out of her. :devil: But if she's locked up against her will, I have to help her. *starts knocking down doors* Wibble, I'm coming! :)
Scigeek, we need to free the wibble from behind that Misc. door! We need to set up a S*W*A*T Team and fan out around the Misc. door, you be the "point man"--take front and center, I'll watch your back!

We must free the wibbles of the world!
:devil: :devil: :devil: :lol:
Maybe wibble is already freed. Looks like a chemistry question gave her the necessary superpower to knock down the door and free herself. :)
Haha sometimes it does seem like that - but no everyones pretty darn friendly.
Agertays i gotta give you major props for this - its my favorite thread in the forum :D
Welcome back! I was wondering why our moderator was never around... for a second there I thought you didn't like us :(
:lol: replacing us with another thread I suppose.... :lol: