Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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Thanks for the warm welcomes, guys! I really appreciate it!Looking forward to TRYING to be more of a regular around here....! :D

You know I was meaning to ask, but maybe this is best for the Merchandise forums....is there a box set for CSI:MIAMI seasons 1-3? an OFFICIAL one? I see them up for sale all the time on eBAY but its always some seller in China or THailand and I am worried the stuff may not be legit...

If anyone can PM me with a reply I'd be so grateful!
You know I was meaning to ask, but maybe this is best for the Merchandise forums....is there a box set for CSI:MIAMI seasons 1-3? an OFFICIAL one?
I've sent you a pm Alina. :)

Welcome to Talk CSI! :D
:eek: HoorayshoWannabe, I haven't welcomed you yet! Well then, welcome to the Miami Forum, and TalkCSI. Make yourself at home and I hope you have fun here. :)

Alina, welcome to TalkCSI! :)
Thanks so much MiamiDade for the Pm! I will buy that box set next paycheck! OK maybe not next paycheck but after my Miami trip in November! Hey, anyone know where this chica can run into a certain Latino actor by the name of Adam Rodriguez? ;) I can dream cant I? LOL!

Speed_Cochrane, thanks 4 the welcome! BTW I miss Rory on the program...I loved Speed's character, and also think Rory is adorable! Sigh....oh well....
looking for the song at the end of death pool 100 when thry were walkingon the beach can anyone help :eek: :eek:
Just wanted to introduce myself. I lerked for about a day and figured I was enough of a CSI series fanatic to actually join.

This forum is great, btw.
Welcome to the Miami fourm, llcomeau and neo_genesis! :D We hope you enjoy your stay here.

llcomeau, I was going to recommend that you ask your question in the Music forum, but I see that the question has already been asked and answered in there. ;)
Welcome to the Miami forum finnish64. :D

In answer to your question, Speed was written off because actor Rory Cochrane asked to leave the show. He was tired of the monotony of the job, and the long grueling schedule. There are two interviews that Rory did with CSIfiles, about why he left the show, one of which you can find here. :)

Hope that helps!
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