Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd March 9th 2008

Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

quoth_the_raven said:
MissRoosFox said:
Girl, you forgot the beer!

Jeez Ducky, you must be tired or something :rolleyes: :p

As I said, if I fix the first post, I'll lose all the nice colours I have there :p

And Jokes thread...like Dynamo pointed out.
There's always a good to check the 2nd and 3rd page or learn to use search function :)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Welcome Elsie have fun, stay insane and all will be cool. :D

Wibbs its sad to see you go, but good to know you will still be hanging around. :)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Thanks D, it's great to be here. :) Take care wibbs and promise to visit us in Misc when you can. :D
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

All the best to you in your new Mod home Elsie! :D

Very sorry to see you go wibbs, but I know we'll still be seeing you around! ;)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Welcome in Misc, Elsie! :D
Great to have you here, and take care of our Ducky :p

wibbs again: sad to see you go, but great you wanna stick around :)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

wibble, it's so strange to see your name in blue. Hope RL treats you well.

Elsie, great to have you here!
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Welcome Elsie! :)
wibbs, good luck with RL, I'm sad to see you go :(
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Welcome to the Misc thread Elsie and sorry to see you go Wibble
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

And now I have to edit the first post and will lose all the cool colours :p :lol: (it's not big deal, lol)

So erm...where you want to put your furniture? :p
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Thanks everyone for the well wishes :)

Elsie said:
Take care wibbs and promise to visit us in Misc when you can. :D

Don't worry, I'll be around...when you least expect :devil: Heh heh ;)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

:lol: It'll always be great to see you wibbs.

DaWacko said:
And now I have to edit the first post and will lose all the cool colours :p :lol: (it's not big deal, lol)

Haha, now I did think that myself yesterday. Sorry about that, I feel a little bit bad about it, the colours are pretty... :p

So erm...where you want to put your furniture? :p

Meh, wherever it'll fit. My sofa is pretty big (but very comfortable). ;)
I've updated the first page of this thread to fix the links within it. All the links should now direct you to the correct pages on the board. If any of them don't work or you find any others that may need fixing please let me know. Thanks. :)
OK, I figured out this was also the moderator welcome thread, sooooo:

Welcome in Misc Jacquie! Have fun, I'm sure you'll do great. :)
Bye, bye Laura, you did awesome here, but I'm sure you'll do even better in the NY-Forum (but you better not kidnap Danny and Flack, got it? :p )

Oh, and because I'm just posting: what do you guys think about a new Misc Icon Challenge? *coughs* hehe... ;)
Thanks cinegirl! :) And Ducky, I know I've only been modding in Misc with you for a couple of months, but it has been great. :)

Yes, welcome to your new home Jacquie. :D I know you'll be a great mod, and you'll have a fantastic partner in crime in DaWacko, who is a pleasure to work with. All the best to you!