Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd March 9th 2008


Master of the Moos

Welcome, you've found your way to Miscellaneous! This is the forum for all non CSI related talk as well as being a place to hang out with other members. Please notice, however, that this is not a place for real time chat.

I hope you read this post through - even it's a bit long one ;)

Your moderators here are DaWacko and Jacquie . If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to PM (send a Private Message) us.

Please read Board FAQ before posting. Questions can be asked in The QSF Forum and check Announcements for important info about the board, such as the banner sizes used in signatures.

We would like to reiterate that all board members should be respectful to each other. This, of course, means no swearing and no bashing, but it also includes maintaining simple manners. And, while you won't be punished for not doing so, we highly recommend using the "preview my post" function to check for errors before your message is viewed by the general public.

You need to have 50 posts on the board and to have been a member for two weeks before you can have an avatar (the picture under your user name).

If you post pictures, please keep them under 450 pixels wide as it stretches the screen. A better choice would be to simply post a link to the picture (as pictures can be slow to load and a nightmare for users with a slow connection) but please upload these pictures to your own site first. Some good places to upload pictures are Photobucket and Imagestation.

Before posting, please check to see if there's already a thread posted about same subject. From a dropbox at the bottom of each forum you can choose to view posts from whichever dates you choose.

If you made a post to the wrong forum or made a duplicate post there is no need to delete it. We, as moderators, can move it to the right forum or lock the thread, so don't worry about it.

Misc shouldn't be:
1. Place to spam to raise post count.
2. Place to talk as if one were in a group chat.
3. Games

As you can see, there's a few games but we don't want Misc to be filled with those.

I think we'll get along well here, as long as you don't steal DaWacko's cookies and don't mess with her sofa. ;)

Otherwise, have fun here in Miscellaneous! If you like, you can introduce yourself in our Introductions thread and give your contact info to other posters in our Contact thread.


Thanks to cinegirl, in the Fan Art forum for these instructions:
  • First of all you need to save all the icons - self-made or snagged - in a folder on your own computer.
  • Back to TalkCSI and go to User Control Panel (User CP)
  • In the first section called "Settings and Options" scroll down to "Edit Avatar" and click on it
  • Under "Custom Avatar" you should see the option where you can search your computer for icons - click on "Browse" (or similar).
  • Open the folder where you've saved all icons, choose the one you wanna use as an avatar and double click on it.
  • Last but not least and please don't forget it: click on "Save Changes" and that's it!
Avatars can be up to 140 x 140 in size, and must be less than 70kb.

(Tweaked from post originally made by Destiny)

The idea of losing signatures is not something anyone who has them really wants to think about, but the possiblity of it happening is very real unless we start making sure they are as asked to be.

Signatures are a privilage given to you all, but with this come rules, but if they are not followed those same privileges can be taken away just as fast.

Please keep bannersize as close to the size listed as possible or under. Please again remember the "powers that be" decided to allow you all to have these signatures, but if they feel that the rules are not being followed, or the privilage is being abused in anyway, they can revoke it just as fast.

The Administrators of this Board, have made the following decision regarding banner sizes and signatures:
"Note: Due to things getting a bit cluttered, I'm going to ask that either you have a banner (with the dimensions no more than 220 in width, 75 in height) OR you have a text signature, but NOT both."

If you have a problem reguarding the rules set forth by the admins, you can take it up in the QSF (Questions, Suggestions, Feedback) Forum

If you are unsure, how big your banner is, right-click image and choose "properties". It shows you how big your image is in pixels.

-What If I want to credit another poster for the avatar/banner I'm using, because she/he made that?

If you have banner as a signature, put credit in your bio, which is in your profile. If you have text signature, you can put it there.

If you need help to resize your banner, we are happy to help. Best help you probably get from Fan Art forum so don't be shy - they won't bite!
But of course you can ask help here in Misc too :)

Advice about posting
  • - Do not use netspeak/teenspeak
    - PleASe Do NOt WriTE LIke THiS
    - Try to write more than just 2-3 words in your post and avoid "just smilies" posts. Those are considered as spamming
    - Try to learn to use quotes
    - If there's many posts where you want to reply, try to reply to as many as possible in one post.
    - Don't quote images. When quoting image post, please remove image tags
    - If there's something bothering you in the post, please PM or e-mail a moderator or click the "Notify the Moderator" button found on each post.

Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Dang.. That's a lot! :) oh well.. and you DoN'TT WaNt Me TO tYPe liKE ThIS?? just kidding.. sorry am I annoying?
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Hehe... We just want less to sticky topics so I try to add to this as much as possible.
Please notice that these are not _my_rules_ Just simple suggestions how to make board better :)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Read all the rules and will follow as suggested. And thank for all the help suggestions. On some forums its hard to get help, I am a bit of a nitwit when it comes to computer banners and avatars, but this one seems great. Thanx!
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Catherine:What perverse game are you playing here Gil?
Grissom: I'm not a pervert.
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Ummm...wrong thread perhaps?
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

I just read it all over again, and I thought you forgot one thing.

I think we'll get along well here, as long as you don't steal DaWacko's cookies and don't mess with her sofa.

Girl, you forgot the beer!
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

I know, I know. But if I go to edit the post, the colour codes are taken off, so my pretty colours will go too!

But I think I change it to my next update ;)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

I think we also need to say not to spill any drinks on wibb's Persian rug, or deface her golden statue of Colin Firth over in the corner :p
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

DaWacko said:
I know, I know. But if I go to edit the post, the colour codes are taken off, so my pretty colours will go too!

But I think I change it to my next update ;)

And you honestly believe that I won't steal your beer?? :rolleyes: Try again ;)
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

^Doesn't matter..check out my location :p
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

Question: Is there a joke thread and if not can I post one? Thanks, I'm sort of new to Miscellaneous. :D
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06

cainesugar said:
Question: Is there a joke thread and if not can I post one? Thanks, I'm sort of new to Miscellaneous. :D
Yes, there is a Jokes thread that was on page two of the list of threads.