Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

Hi! My name is Bojana but I use Bonnie also. I’m 23 years old. I live in south Europe. I’m in the last year of the Law school (finally!).
I got Photoshop in February and started making everything: icons, banners, wallpapers.
I immediately become addicted to challenges!
I switched to advanced category in banners – March, wallpapers- May and icons- June. I was insecure about switching every time (especially in banners because I was making them only one month) but I have to do it because I won 3 times, and modes kind of pushed me in right direction (thanks cinegirl :)).
I still learn about Photoshop, and I’m always looking for new brushes and fonts.
I mostly make CSI: LV fanart.
If someone would like me to make them icon, or banner, or if someone need some help, I would be happy to help. :)
hey everyone...Donna here, or DJ is fine...30 years old from a little place as far east of Canada as one can get and then some. I got a graphics degree under my belt from 13 years ago (wow that is a long time), plus a Carpentry degree...now working, building custom staircases, railing and posts...etc! I use the simplest of programs to create my icons and wallpapers. No photoshop used here......YET anyway, so I am limited to the options available.

Viewing other artwork here has really inspired me to test my abilities against a lot of absolutely amazing works. Keep up the great work everyone!! :)
Wow, there are some awesome infos about you all, great! :)

OK, I realized I forgot to tell s/th about myself, so here we go:
my name is Vera, I'm from Germany, proud owner of a completely insane dog and addicted to all kinds of coffee.
I started to make Fan Art shortly after joining this board a year ago, cause I desperately wanted a banner, but first had no clue what everybody was talking about (.gif-animations, allowed file sizes, file formats, Photobucket what??! and so on). But I started to take pleasure in it and you all know this: when you finally, after thousands of failed attempts and endless swearing about it, achieved to make a proper art work, you're trapped, you need to go on with creating banners, icons, manips etc. and you'll love it ;)

Any more questions? Don't be afraid to pm me, most of the time I'm a very kind person :D
Welcome all newbies ;) and a special thank's to our great mods. for all their hard work cinegirl who's helped me immeasurably ;) thank's for downsizing all my avatars and icons! and Wyoming as well. the nicest moderator's there are!
Alrighty, I'm Sara from Wisconsin and have been making icons, banners, and walls since the beginning of Summer when I bought my Paint Shop Pro 11. Twas very excited to get it since paint wasn't cutting it for me anymore. I stick with Vegas and Miami art work, but mostly Vegas since that is my fav. :)
Okay I thought I'd introduce myself since I haven't visited the Fanart board for a while :D Hope you guys remember me :p I'm Sophie. I do enter challenges (at least I used to). If I had more time, I'd enter each challenge. I'm a mad Photoshop fan, I adore CS3.
I cannot edit my entry anymore...but I just wanted to let you all know I changed my name from katbug to CSI_Kat.

Please feel free to call me Katrina or Kat. Thanks!

Oh and I am enjoying reading everyone's entries here!
Hi! It's so interesting to find out about everyone. This was a great idea.

I'm Ali - pretty obvious, I guess. I'm 39, a guitar teacher in the UK. I've been doing that for longer than I care to remember. :eek:

I use GIMP (because it's free) and I'm constantly learning new things to do with it, mostly from watching the wonderful things that everyone here does and playing around with my prog to try to do the same kind of things. I'm addicted to CSI, particularly Miami, mostly because of one particular totally gorgeous CSI who constantly seems to be in trouble. *kicks TPTB*

I enter most challenges. That's something else I'm pretty addicted to. And I have an lj which I adore! I don't know why I didn't get one before. My whole life is organised around it. :D
well i'm bored and since i love this board maybe i'll join in the fun!
any ways, my names ashley *waves* i'm 22 and live in vegas. i've been making fan art for like....3 years, unfortunately that doesn't mean i'm any better than i was when i started ha. i like to make all kinds of arts, and i use photoshop 5.0 and psp 7. and yeah i think thats it. happy art making everyone!
*cuddles desertwind* :D

Just wanted to let y'all know that I'll take a short time out from the board, I guess not longer than a week, cause RL is stressing atm, so if anybody has some important and urgent questions/concerns etc. please pm only my lovely co-mod Wyoming during this time - she's also a busy bee but told me that she should be online at least once a day.

So long! :)
LOL. Here I go.

I'm Shane and I've been making fanart since I was 12 (now I'm 15 :p ). I started off with Photoimpact, moving onto PSP, now I'm with photoshop.

I've really evolved with my artwork and I think I do a great job. I really like iconing the original CSI show and you can find my artwork under the username thelightbox_x on the community liesofmidnight on LJ.

If you ever need any help, feel free to ask. ;)
:lol: Vera, when I first saw this topic I thought, "Holy crap Vera's leaving us!!" :lol: *phew* glad that's not the case :p

Anywho, I'm Ann (for those of you who don't know) and I have been... erm, dreaming of making fanart ever since I was about 10 and started going online :p When I was about 11 I started getting into it more and made lame graphics in Paint :rolleyes: Since then, I was introduced to Photoshop 7.0 *is not worthy :lol:* and when I first saw it, I was scared out of my wits. I need a bone-head version :p

But I sat down with it one day and really worked with it and here I am today :D I'm more than happy to help those who need it and if anyone's interested in my graphics, the link is in my signature banner :D
Hi, I`m from LatinAmerica to be more precise from Panamá, my name is Andreina (like my nick says,lol[what a lack of creativity])..anyway I´m 15 years old (soon 16 :p). I don´t quite remember how it everything began, I just remember that first I was obsess with like 10 different tv shows then reduced to three that I wanted to know more about them so I went online and found some forums and I saw those amazing signatures and avatars..and I was like I want to do that cuz it was like I saw how many things you can do with a only picture and is soo amazing that how could you resist? anyway then I was determined to get a good program to be able to do some fan art and so I did..I got psp 8.0 and I can´t complain..even though sometimes I want the glamorous photoshop, I´m still happy with what I have and what I can do with that and I personally think I´ve improved a lot since I began.
I´m always seeking to meet new people and practice my english xD So..Feel free pm me for anything you want :)
PD:Opss got inspired :p
I'm Laura. :)

:lol: Aww, you all started fan art so young! It's making me feel a bit old... Yes, I started making fan art because I really wanted to make my own avatar, this was only back in October last year, and now I can sort of make them! *yay* Still learning photoshop, but I now mostly make it up and have pretty much stopped following tutorials (and as such my fan art is really going down hill - seriously, you should see some of my recent challenge entries, not good!) :lol:

I post my fan art here and on my LJ, I have also posted a couple of basic animation tutorials, because animating stuff was a small obsession of mine for a while!

I mostly like simple fan art, and am particularly fond of signature banners. If you ever think I can assist you in any way regarding fan art or any such things please feel free to pm me, you'll usually get a prompt response. :)