I had a dream I was playing football--with a whole bunch of other girls who also didn't know how to play football. It was like this whole Replacements thing, but--we legitimately didn't know how to play football and the coaches would teach us and everything. So the song Thunderstruck was in my head, we had these pink uniforms with a white lighning bolt on the back...And I was getting the crap knocked out of me. But, at least I wasn't goalie--like in another dream.
So even though the dream was about Thunderstruck, I woke up with Who Made Who stuck in my head. Creepy--
One of these--horrible recurring dreams that I've been having (well not all horrible) is--that I'm a cat burglar. I'd be dreaming, and somehow I would be in someone's house, I didn't know where I was, and I'd just be looking. Not looking for anything (maybe information as to where the hell I was) and I wouldn't know how I got there. One time I was in an apartment building, and you couldn't really tell where the individual apartments ended and where the hallway began, I just remember running away and making up excuses for people to look the other way.
Kind of like those cliche movies or stories where a person wakes up to find that someone they know is dead and they remember dreaming something like that. Well--hopefully I haven't been breaking into weird labrynth houses in my sleep....that sounds like a great idea for a story LOL